20 ✯ speciality

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Speciality is special because of it's originality.❞

Over the course of the next few days, I noticed something interesting. Rhys got glasses. I don't know when this happened, or how it did. What I did know is that he looked absolutely adorable.

The rectangles that now hung over his eyes made his blue orbs pop out even more than they already did. I know this sounds super wrong, but he was already hot, to begin with, and glasses made him even much more so.

"Rhys~Kun!" I said sweetly as I passed him by in the hall.

"Kun?" He asked curiously.

A blush must've fluttered over my cheeks with how heated my entire face was. Oh crap. Why is the inner teenage me so hormonal?

"NO NO NO I didn't mean it! It's just Japanese honorifics." I squeaked.

He smiled.

"I thought you didn't watch Japanese TV shows or get into the culture. But that's still kind of you." Rhys said, pushing his spectacles higher up the bridge of his nose before walking off.

Heart, stop beating, please. I'm going to give myself a heart attack. The only reason why I used Japanese honorifics is that I was watching Aphmeow's series MeowStreet and Kawaii~Chan uses Japanese honorifics and it just rubbed off on me! I had obviously embarrassed myself. Good going, Y/N. I should stop using honorifics so if Devon and Andrew come over they won't know I've been watching YouTube.

They might think I'm influencing Ava to make YouTube videos. The nerve that they'd think that I'd be that much of a monstrous delinquent.

Oh, delinquents. That reminds me. I forgot I was going to investigate the Daemos'  new behavior.

I grabbed my Sherlock cap and my magnifying glass from my room and prepared myself for the unknown. Yup. I had a Sherlock hat and a magnifying glass. I used to be a huge Sherlock fan okay? I bought a bunch of cheap merch off Amazon. I rewatched Netflix's Sherlock several times already.

I took a step out of my room, walked out into the the living room before crash landing onto the sofa. Yeah. Anticlimactic much?

"I'm too lazy for investigating..." I muttered.

What a couch potato I am.

"Investigating what?" Ava asked.

Ava? She'd finally come out of her den of a room. I haven't seen her in a while.

"It's been years, sis," I said.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm just hiding out," she replied.

"From who?" I asked.

"From the daemos' horrible flirting attempts." Ava sighed.

I laughed.

"I'm so happy I'm a delinquent and they don't flirt with me," I said, smirking.

"Then why do I see you blushing all the time?" Ava commented slyly.

"IM NOT!" I retorted, hiding my face behind my hands.

"Okayyyy which one do you have the hots for?" Ava said, smirking.

"None of them what are you talking about?" I mumbled, embarrassed.

"Okay then, I won't pry," Ava said, leaning back into her seat.

Then she smirked and mouthed, "You definitely like one of them~"

That also resulted in me chasing after her, screaming at her for being annoying and nosy. She eventually collapsed onto the floor in a tired heap, panting and giggling, with me giggling along with her. We were best friends, after all.

"Let's get you fixed." I said, grabbing her arm and attempting to haul her off the floor.

The key word here is attempting. I had to call for reinforcements.

"AVENGERS!" I screamed.

I imagined the daemos rushing over and we'd all whisper the word assemble. But frankly, none of them watch Marvel movies.

"Ugh." I groaned.

"BOYSSSSSSSSSSSS!" I screeched once again.

Soon came Pierce.

"Ah, the only male in this house that has bothered to own up to the calling of their own gender." I sighed.

"'Need anything?" He asked.

I motioned towards Ava lying on the floor. She outstretched her arms, to which Pierce linked his fingers with hers, pulling her up, clasping each other's hands. A small tint of pink flushed over Pierce's cheekbones. So did Ava's.

The girl was letting out on me! Asking about my love life, but not letting me know about her own? She does enjoy being sneaky, doesn't she. Before I realized, Pierce had Ava sitting on the countertop already. Although they were in a suspicious position, I didn't particularly question it though, they're adults, aren't they?

"Thanks, Pierce." I said, thanking him.

"No problem, Y/N." He said, before walking off again.

I took a deep breath before sighing, "Let's have a girls talk, shall we?"

Yae I'm back with more updates lol cause I just finished a big essay and I have more time to write uwuz alsoo tanks for 12.6 K viewsssss love y'all!
edit: 05.14.2021
word count: 804 words
made some changes to this chapter :>

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