11 ✯ shallow

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❝Some souls are too deep for shallow people.❞

I just stood there after Asch left.

He did that.

And the boys left with him.

When did he become so heartless?

So cruel?

Ava stayed with me, holding me tight and not letting go.

Then Devon and Andrew walked outside.

"Oh my god pumpkin are you okay?" Devon asked, running his hands through Ava's hair.

Andrew pat me on the back.

I must've looked dead.

"Y/N, honey are you okay? What happened?" Devon asked me.

I gave him a look.

He gulped and turned away, before rubbing my back and leading me towards the street.

Then they walked us back to the apartment.

When we got out of the elevator, I stood behind Andrew, my feet shuffling as I hid behind his tall frame.

He opened the door, and the daemos were sat in the living room.

Ava excused herself as she left to change in her room, and Devon, Andrew, the boys and I were left standing there, staring at each other.

"Well, we want to talk with you boys." Devon announced all of a sudden.

"We do?" Andrew asked, confused.

"Yes, we do, sweetie." Devon exclaimed.

"Look, Ava hasn't had a lot of friends excluding Y/N, who has been such a supportive, caring and loving best friend since they've met." Devon said, looking over to me, and I gave him a warm smile.

He grinned and continued to speak.

"So, let me lay down some ground rules." Devon began.

"Wait. Why should we listen to you?" Asch demanded, like the stuck up prince his is.

"Because we will release our wrath upon you and call our lawyer, and the police." Andrew added.

"What's a police?" Pierce asked innocently, his large eyes blinking, as if confused.

"They're people you don't wanna mess around with." Andrew whispered ominously.

Devon smirked as the boys shrunk and cowered in fear.

"One: don't you dare make those Wattpad books with my baby. She's too young for all that, and if I find out you guys have a wattpad account I will personally come and attack you." Devon commanded, and the boys just tilted their heads in confusion to what Wattpad was, but nodded nevertheless.

"Secondly, don't you dare sell weed with her or do anything that has connections to drugs or any of that stuff or I will call the cops on you and you will be serving jail time for the rest of your life." Andrew said.

"Thirdly, if she chooses any of you... please still be her friends." I finished. The boys just watched as I stood in front of them, speaking in the softest tone I'd ever spoken in.

"Ava hasn't encountered a lot of people that actually think about her or are still her friends. She really enjoys all of you company. And if she chooses one of you, that's her choice. But I hope it doesn't change the fact that you and Ava will be acquaintances and friends. She really needs some form of happiness in her life, and some new friends to speak with and laugh with. Just please stay with her. I don't know if I can always be here to support her." I exclaimed.

I gave them a smile before taking a place on the sofa.

At that moment, Ava walked out of her room.

"What are you guys doing?" Ava asked.

"Just setting down some ground rules. But it was very nice to meet you all. I'm sure we'll meet again soon." Devon said, then left the apartment.

I shrunk further into the couch, just thinking about how Asch had treated me at the pizza place.

It's like he had no respect for me.

And it's like he didn't care about me at all.

Maybe he never did.

Who knows?

But for the next few days he treated me like I didn't exist.

He wouldn't even bother to look my way, and was completely focused on Ava.

Oh, and he was now calling Ava 'Princess Ava' because he thought he was a human princess.

I want to say I'm not jealous but I'm slightly jealous.

He treated me like I was any normal person before.

But he suddenly decides he's too good for me and leaves me completely alone.

Maybe life just hates me.

Maybe I'm just not meant to be happy.

Regardless of what Ava thinks of them, they're shallow.

Really shallow.

Word Count: 798

Omg thank y'all for almost 3000 reads! I can't believe I got to 2.9 k reads oml 𝕋𝕧𝕋 I love you guysss btw the reason why the title is not updated like the other ones is because it signifies if I've edited it or not because I will slowly edit my old chapters and read through them and change them slightly so -w-

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