27 ✯ kicked

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❝Nothing is more humbling than getting your a** kicked.❞ -Mike Tyson

We were at the movie theatre in no time. It seemed like a 10 minute walk, although it was probably much more than that. The journey was faster than I expected, and to be honest I just wanted it to be over with as soon as possible. I admit I was being salty but it didn't cross my mind.

Don't get me wrong. I did want to watch a movie. I actually wanted to watch a movie for a while now, but it's just that I've been so caught up with the boys recently I haven't been able to get out of the house.

Once we got there, I surveyed the area. There weren't a lot of people around. That means there are fewer people around to think and come to the realization that the boys are complete idiots.

"I'm so sorry guys, but I have to go to the bathroom! Be right back!" Lorelai called, before rushing off to take care of business.

Ava immediately turned to the 5 daemos boys.

"Guys, you better be on your best behavior! You're lucky this place isn't filled to the brim. And make sure you guys don't do anything weird! If anyone sees you acting like daemos and not like a regular human, they'll kill you!" Ava barked, slashing her hand across her throat in a threatening motion.

I motioned a thumbs up to her. Good job, girl. Ava excelled at making most things seem worse than they actually were. And with the daemos, they're naive enough to actually believe her.

I wonder what horrors they face on daemos to believe that some random kids standing around will pluck up the courage to go stab a man double their size.

"What of marriage?" Rhys asked.

I tried to hide my scowl as Ava looked my way, seeking help. I pushed away from the look on my face as I smiled brightly.

"Ava will talk to you guys about marriage if you boys keep up the good behavior. Just keep that in mind when you guys act." I ordered.

Ava gave me an are-you-serious look. I shrugged and gave her a playful smile. She sighed. Lorelai crashed the party.

"Hey, guys! Have you chosen a movie to watch?" Lorelai asked.

"Yup," Ava answered.

"Princess Ava, I'm still sort of confused regarding what a movie is." Rhys pointed out.

Damn Rhys and his curious nature.

"Basically, a movie is like a book that plays on a screen. And you watch that. So you don't have to flip pages or whatever." She explained.

Rhys' eyes lit up.

"A book that plays on a screen?" He mumbled.

He's acting like a kid that just got handed some candy again.

"Ava! You wanna go to the bathroom with me?" Lorelai asked.

"I thought you just went, Lorelai," I said.

"Let's just go." She said as she dragged Ava off.

I looked towards the boys. They were just standing around, probably thinking about how they were going to win over Ava. It felt kind of saddening.

"Y/N!" Lorelai yelled.

I raised an eyebrow towards her. Ava was nowhere in sight.

"Where's Ava?" I asked.

"Yeah, what did you do with Princess Ava?" Asch screamed.

"Pipe down, you idiot. There's plenty of people around here that are going to call the security guards on you if you start shouting." I reprimanded.

"Look, I'm going to tell you guys how you can kiss Ava." Lorelai said.

Kiss? I felt my face flush red. Lorelai, what are you doing?

"What is a kiss?" Pierce asked.

"Oh wait, I'm going to show you this clip from YouTube!" Lorelai said.

She shoved her phone in their faces so quickly I couldn't process what was happening. No... no... Not YouTube! I heard a loud smooch sound emitting from her phone. I went even redder. How is Lorelai not affected by this stuff?

"That's exactly like a caress!" Leif pointed out.

"Do you humans do that so easily?" Asch asked.

"Well, duh! People kiss all the time! You just need to learn how to do so." Lorelai said.

Oh god.

"Yeah, I'm going to go find Ava. I can't listen to this." I said to Lorelai, patting her on the back, before walking away.

"Take your time!" Lorelai called.

I headed into the bathroom to find Ava. The bathroom had these really shiny floors. I could see my face in them. And I could just as easily slide and slip on this kind of slippery floor.

"Hey, Ava?" I called out.

"Yeah? I'm coming out of the stall, wait a sec." She said.

She opened the stall door and went to wash her hands.

"Did you think it was a good idea to come to the movies with the guys?" I asked.

"We could've left them at home," I said.

"Well, if we left, they would've set the apartment on fire. If we didn't go with Lorelai, she'd poke around the apartment and might've even accidentally found that you can go through the walls. So I had to compromise." Ava explained.

I clapped.

"Good thinking, Ava." I said.

"Yeah, let's go." she said.

She grabbed my hand and walked out of the bathroom, just to come out and face a bunch of scarily giddy looking happy daemos. The smiles on their faces were so strange I wanted to burst out laughing.

"Hey, Ava. You want to go eat some ice cream?" Rhys asked.

"FOOOOOOODDDDD!" I screamed.

I went psycho for popcorn.

"Y/N you're going to get security guards on you, too." Leif chuckled.

"SHUDDUP BAKA!" I yelled, before stomping off to the food stand.

I had only just gotten my popcorn, and everyone was happily munching away when a buff guy walked up to me.

"Ma'am, I'll politely ask you to leave this institution. You're causing a huge ruckus." He said.

What? I looked over to Leif. He was doubling over in laughter, which Asch was snickering.

"Aww..." I mumbled.

And that's how I got us kicked out. I thought it would be Asch, at best. I didn't think it was going to be me. Dang.

"It's alright, Y/N! At least we got Ava out of the house, for a change. It's already a big accomplishment." Lorelai cheered.

I loved and hated that she was such an enthusiastic little bundle of joy.

"Even if we only came outside for an hour, it's an improvement." Lorelai said.

I nodded, looking over at Ava seemingly sleeping on the couch.

"So, next week?" Lorelai offered.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Ava screamed, launching up and slamming the door in her face.

"It was fun, Ava!" Lorelai shouted from the other side of the door.

"Yeah, thanks." Ava mumbled.

I pat Ava on the back as she smiled at me. That didn't go according to plan. But it felt quite nice.

OMG OMG OMG OMG 20K WTF HOWWWWW I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH WE'VE HIT 20K PINCH MEEEEEEEE now honestly I love you guys! Thank you for supporting this story! OwO author~chan is currently brainstorming ideas for my series of bnha fanfics so watch out for that cause that's going to come out soon!
edit = 14.07.2021
wc = 1212 words
i am an embarrassment in these ending notes wtf

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