16 ✯ sicko

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❝There's a fine line between being a sicko and an adventurous spirit. -Doug Stanhope

Ava's POV (finally an Avasode!):

I didn't see Y/N in the morning. Strangely. She's usually up way earlier than me. Maybe she's finally got time to slack off. She always runs a busy schedule so I guess she's finally began to settle down. She deserves it.

I walked over to her room and knocked on the door. The door was pushed open by my silent knocks. I looked in. But Y/N was nowhere to be seen.

I needed to think. Where was she yesterday night? I gasped. I remember now! Y/N stayed in that pool yesterday night. I ran outside to find an out of breath Leif holding a small, limp figure. Noi and Pierce followed in pursuit of Leif, yelling, faces filled with a mix of fear and worry.

"Leif! What are you doing—" I screamed.

And then I saw her. Y/N's skinny arms were hanging, limp as Leif hefted her small frame onto his shoulder. She was dripping wet, her clothes and hair soaked heavily with water from the hot tub she'd been in. Her face was plastered with her drenched locks, her brows contouring and her lips settled into a peaceful smile.


I was not happy to see my best friend soaked from head to toe in steaming water, held up like Simba from the Lion King by a demon scumbag.

"Princess Ava, we have not—" Pierce began, but I waved my hand and shut him up.

"My best friend is a special little bean, and if you guys have gotten her sick, or have drowned her, I will kill you idiotic daemos." I exclaimed angrily.

"What is going on here?" A voice asked. Rhys entered the room with Asch, looking at us strangely. Then he saw Y/N in Leif's hold.

His mouth gaped open like a fish, but he just muttered something, like he couldn't form any coherent words. Then he asked the question on everyone's mind: "Is she dead?" That sent a panic amongst the daemos. And yes, I acted accordingly. By going berserk.

"LEIF DID YOU KILL HER I SWEAR YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SH—" I bellowed, chasing after the white haired daemos like a grumpy grandma that awoke from her afternoon nap.

"WAIT NO YOU WERE IN THERE WITH HER WEREN'T YOU COULDN'T YOU PROTECT HER?!?!?" I screamed at Pierce, grabbing him by the shoulders and shaking him.

"She's breathing." Rhys said.

I looked at him. Then I let go of Pierce and stepped away. Okay, why didn't he say that sooner? Just a little heads-up would be nice, Rhys-a-reno. (Thimbleweed Park reference anyone?)

I just let out a breathy sigh. I put my hand against her forehead. OH SHIz it was burning hot.

"She's sick cause of you bozos!" I groaned. "Take her to her bed."

They all just blinked. "Well don't just stand there! I don't have the upper body strength to lift up and carry another human being!" I snapped, before leading them into Y/N's room.

Leif set her down onto her bed, and she seemed to just fall as it fell in on itself and almost sucked her into it. She had a good mattress. She sprawled across the sheets, snoring quietly. I took the corner of her fluffed blanket, draping it over her wriggling body, tucking her in.

"She looks dead." Leif commented. I smacked him in the face.

"Shut up. This is your doing." I snapped.

He just shut up. Usually he never stops talking. I reached out and touched her forehead. It burned.

"Holy! She's very sick!" I screamed.

Leif seemed lost for words. For once.

"Quick! Go get me a bucket of cool water and a towel!" I yelled.

Leif just stood there, unmoving.

"GO!" I screeched.

He snapped out of whatever daydream he was experiencing and rushed out the door of Y/N's bedroom. I looked back at Y/N. Poor girl. Sweat beaded on her forehead. She was probably sick as hell. As sick as them sickos who thought it was alright to leave a wet lady in a steaming hot tub for over 10 hours.

They are quite idiotic, aren't they? But Y/N... She's been distant lately. I don't feel as comfortable around her as I did before. It's not something that she did necessarily wrong, but there's a bitter air around her that I can feel. I don't understand what's going on and it's best that I stay away. Simultaneously, the boys have decided to come round and annoy me more. Really, they suck half the time. I loved Y/N's peaceful and graceful nature, and how she just seemed to not be affected by any of it. It must be nice to not have these goofballs hanging around all the time. They're such helpless flirts, in all honesty. But in a way, they're fun.

Regardless, I bet she's having the time of her life.

word count: 734
Hey guys! I'm back with an update and alsoooooo IM WRITING A MID PREFERENCES BOOK EEeeeeee yae 😂 okay please go over and check it out if you want! It's called head pats ; my inner demons boyfriend preferences! Hope y'all enjoy~
edit: 03.25.2021
word count: 899 words
double edit today?

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