14 ✯ spa

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❝A beautiful day at the spa is what I call heaven on Earth.❞

Once I walked into the wide marble hall, I recalled what happened last time with Rhys. He was a curious guy, to say the least. But I liked him, he seemed extremely intelligent, as well as subconsciously powerful.

Ava led me down the hallway, surveying the intricacy of their entire living space. Their pocket dimension was really detailed, and was beautiful to boot. I was dragged to a circular open room, with a large pool of water in the middle, surrounded by gleaming pillars of marble. Steam billowed out as the golden tints of color splashed around the pillars glimmered.

"Ava, doesn't it seem like we're kind of intruding on their privacy? At least not to the extent that they're here with us, but still it doesn't seem like they'd be glad to see us." I mumbled, edging closer to the water.

"Nah, I don't think they'd mind too much. This space is still technically in the vicinity of our house. And even if they argue that it isn't, it's not like they're here right now to yell at us, so..."

"But we're just using their unknown facilities and snuck in here... Wait, you snuck in here before we did to find this place!" I exclaimed.

She gave me a mischievous smirk. "Well, they've walked around our apartment millions of times acting like they own it. It's time we change things up." She said, dipping her feet into the water.

I was hesitant. Mainly because we didn't know what was in that water. It could be some unknown magic substances, brimming with radiation and disease. Or maybe it was their toilet, although I tried my best not to think that. Heck, it might even be holy water, who knows?

"You don't think it could be some sort of spell pool, right? Last time you were in your bathtub they said you were lying in a spell pool. Maybe this is the real deal?" I said cautiously, squatting down on the edge of the water, poking the surface with my index finger, watching the ripples spread out and fade.

"Y/N, this is our chance to sit back and relax for a little bit. This couldn't be any better, and I'm here with my best baby. Come on, don't be a worrywart." She said, beckoning me with her waving hand.

I sighed and sat down opposite her in the large pool, letting myself be consumed by the shining liquid, and making myself comfortable against the hard material.

"See, it isn't that bad is it? Other than the fact that whatever the sides of this tub are made of is quite uncomfortable to lean against, it's a nice temperature with beautiful furniture! And best of all, a beautiful girl to share it with." Ava laughed, leaning her head back and letting the flowing strands of hair float on the surface of the water.

"Ahaha, you're too much of an unknowing flirt for your own good. But I love you, and that's what matters." I said, giving her a grateful smile.

Ava raised her eyebrows in mischief, waving her arms in the air. "Then did you fall for me, even though I am a hopeless mess of a woman, Y/N-Chan? Oh, how I'd love to be able to court and serenade lover like you by singing Baby outside your door, seeing your face on my Facebook everyday, so graceful and adorable, one of beauty and holding such resemblance to the gods up above!" She recited, her features dramatic to accentuate her tremendous feat.

This sent the both of us into a fit of laughter, hearing the silly speech and Ava's superior acting skill mixed together for a bundle of fun with two best friends. It made me genuinely happy.

The echo of marching footsteps down the hall rung in my ears. As I expected, 5 confused, angered guests burst into the room.

"What are you humans doing?" Asch screamed, fireball in hand.

"Please calm down for a moment, we're not trying to get scalded alive." I said, motioning for him to lower his hand. He scowled, but did as he was told and lowered his hand to his side.

"You are invading our territory, and—" Asch began.

"You think I don't know that?" Ava said, smirking.

He rolled his eyes and turned to me, his eyes fiery, nearly glowing. "Explain yourself." He demanded.

"We found your spa and decided it would be fun to take a little trip." I said, smiling.

"What's a spa?" Noi asked from behind Rhys.

"It's where humans sit down and relax in a pool of heated water." I explained.

"That sounds fun!" Noi exclaimed as he ran over to us and cannon balled into the pool. Oh, did I mention the water was super shallow.

"oW!" He yelled. He hit his head hard. Oh welp. He sat up, pouting. "That hurts." He muttered, before waddling over to the side of the pool. I'm kind of surprised he didn't blow his own brains out. A hit like that would've caused any regular human being to have a fractured skull. Good to know Noi is hard-headed.

"Since everyone else is jumping in, I'll just stick with the crowd." Leif said, slowly getting in and sitting down cross-legged with that smirk of his on his face. I didn't like that look. Eh, he always has that look on. It's not like he has any other look other than a constant smirk and that fierce face where he obviously an undying urge to stab somebody.

Asch sighed a heavy sigh as he sat down in the pool. He was frowning. As always. He always gave other people the kind of I hate you, get away from me you lowly peasants vibes. It wasn't very pleasant, but you can at least feel some emotion radiating from the scowling boy. Oh, sorry. Prince.

Rhys lowered himself into the water like Asch had, sitting down cross-legged and looking at us leaning back curiously. He was a keeper. A nerdy, extremely nerdy keeper. And he was cute. Not Noi type adorable cute, but intelligent cute.

Where was Pierce? To be honest, I didn't even see him come into the room with the other daemos. I looked to my right, and—

"pIeRcE oh my lord you scared me." I screamed.

He was sitting directly next to me, his long blue sword in its leather sheath, placed on his lap as he gave me a subtle nod. He was silent. Silent but deadly. (lowkey brings me back to the skylander stealth elf stuff) Jesus, he scared the living hell out of me. He could be a great thief if he wanted to be. Luckily he got into Asch's knights and not some demon biker gang. I'm sure Leif would be there somewhere.

In the end, we just sat there for a while, enjoying the solace and the warm water. I could feel my worries draining away with the billowing steam, and the relaxed faces of the others reassured me that this wonderful peace was something they all appreciated.

That is until Ava stood up. "Okay, this is getting awkward." She stated, putting her hands on her hips. She took a step forward, and it became a blur of purple as her foot slid backwards, her arms flailing. Ultimately, she fell flat on her face into the water.

word count: 736
edit: 03.21.2021
word count: 1273 words
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