My Idiot

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I don't own art above credits to the artist as usual

-small kirishima × small bakugou

Kirishima POV:

Bakugou pouts while I grab his arm and lead him to the playground. He told me before that hed rather not go over to the playground because he doesn't want people to see me with him...

I get sad thinking about it. Bakugou tries to keep his feet on the ground so it will be harder for me to drag him but it really doesn't do anything anyways.

"Kiri- why are we even going up here?" He whines to me. Im sure to flash him the toothy- est grin I can before answering him.

"Because kat, I wanna show you something!" I say in a happy tone as I keep dragging him to the playground.

Kat jerks his hand out of mine and rubs it awkwardly.

"Okay Ill follow you just dont grab me that hard!'' My smile fades and I avert my gaze.

"S-sorry kat" I answer rubbing my arm to take my mind away from him. He huffs me a 'whatever' and we keep walking.

We finally reach the playground and start climbing the stairs to get to the top. I go first and kat follows close by.

Finally we got to the place I wanted to show him. We are at the very top of the playground and Ive always loved it here just because you can see everything thats happening.

I hear a little gasp escape his mouth.

"Do you like it?" I ask him, tilting my head to the side a tiny bit. He hesitantly nods and I smile. Im glad he likes it up here.

I feel the urge to kiss him on the cheek like my mamma does to me. She always talks about how she loves me and then gives me kisses. I... I think I feel that way about kat. I think I love him...

"Hey kat..." I say. He turns his head to face me and stares at me really intensely.

"What." I smile, he answered. Now that I have his attention I grab his face in my hands and put a kiss on his cheek.

His face turns red. I smile brightly at him and he keeps looking away from me. He looks suprised. I coo inside. He looks 'cute' when his face is red.

"K-kiri what was that for?" He asks with a face still flushed red. As soon as I know it my face is flushed red as well.

"You looked like you needed one!" For a second I see him smile. He grabs my hand. This time he takes me down the double slide and he giggles all the way down.

I guess the kiss I gave him worked, hes happy now. I smile to myself at the thought. We get to the end of the slide and I faceplant into the dirt at the bottom of the slide with an 'oof' sound.

"Kiri are you okay???" He asks me in a concerned voice. I lift my head from the dirt to see that I had knocked my loose tooth out.

"Im fine, I think I lost a tooth though..." I say showing him the tooth I knocked out. He flinches.

"Kiri thats nasty" he says still flinching. I laugh. Maybe I should go to the nurse...

Meh its not that bad, it was loose anyway. I frown, mom is going to be mad that I knocked it out. Ill just say that it fell out. Thats technically not lying. My face starts hurting a bit and I fight back the urge to cry.

I feel small tears fall from my eyes and I see that kat looks worried about me. He sits next to me and rubs my back.

"Its okay kiri, dont cry..." he says hugging me. He wipes my tears away and I stop crying. It hurts but not that much..

"Im fine kat, my face just hurts a little" I say giving him a weak smile. He hugs me again and laughs.

"Kiri, you're an idiot." He tells me and I shoot him a sad glare.

"But you're my idiot."

Bakugou POV:

I slide down one of the double slides and I get down first. I land on my feet and wait about three seconds for kiri to get to the end of his slide as well.

His landing is more of a faceplant. He makes an 'oof' sound when his face slams into the ground. I hold back laughter until he doesn't move for a bit.

"Kiri are you okay???" I scream to him  fearfully. He lifts his head up and nods.

"Im fine, I think I lost a tooth though..." he smiles at me and shoves the tooth in my face. I cringe, disgusting...

"Kiri, thats nasty." I tell him still cringing. His face changes and he looks sadder. I look at him confused.

He starts crying. I freak out and start rubbing his back.

"Its okay kiri, dont cry" I say as I kneel down and pull him into a hug. I wipe the tears off of his face.

"Im fine kat, my face just hurts a little..." I hug him harder and chuckle.

"Kiri you're an idiot." I tell him still having him wrapped in my arms. I lean in closer.

"But youre my idiot." I place a small kiss on his forehead and he turns redder than a tomato.

I help him up and grab him by the hand. He tries not to make eye contact with a face flushed red. I smile a small smile.

"C'mon kiri, its time to eat!" I say dragging him to the classroom where we have snack. He nods and lets me drag him there.

We go inside holding hands and the smell of cookies baking fills our nostrils. Kiri is now dragging me towards the lady giving out the cookies and he gets two of them.

"Here you go!" He says handing me a cookie with the dorkiest smile on is face.

I cant help but smile at his antics.



This oneshot was really fun to write. I hope you guys liked it!

Word count: 1,040

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