Public Playtime

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I don't own art above credits to the artist as usual

-Mega Gay
-ends in fluff
-swearing UwU
-light smut
-pda, again.
-rlly weird fangirl Mina

Bakugou POV:

"F-fuck" I moan as I feel Kirishima 'turn up the power' on the thing he had stuck in me earlier...

My phone lights up signifying that Id recived a notification. Having nothing better to do I check the the notification and see that it's a message from Mina. I open it, the message reads:

'Hiya Bakugou, I was wondering if you'd want to join me kaminari, sero and kirishima today at 3 just to go to the mall and catch up you know?'

I sigh, I do want to hang out with that lot of loosers again but Ill have to ask kirishima and he probably wont want me to go. Hes REALLY overprotective towards me.

With trembling hands I type my response


Knowing that kirishima wont be happy with this I shake, I should go ask him now. I stand up with weak legs and head over to the kitchen where kirishima is making food.

I tap him on the shoulder and he turns around quickly giving me a large smile.

"What is it Bakugou?" I quickly flash him my phone with mina's text on it.

"Would it be okay if I went?" I ask in a small voice. Kirishima's face flashes with a bit of anger and then back to his   usual cheerful expression.

"Hmm, Im gonna be there too I guess so, Ill make you a compromise. If you wear the toy I bought you for the entire time, Ill let you go."

Not having a clue what he meant by 'toy' I agree. What a horrible decision that was.

********flashback over**********

I neel over panting a bit out of pleasure. Kaminari sees me out of the corner of his eye and helps me up. He looks at me confused.

"Are you okay Bakubro?" I groan slightly. Kirishima is talking with Mina and he shoots me a knowing smirk.

"Y-yeah Im fine." I say with a trembling voice. He looks concerned. Suddenly I feel the power increase again and I fall down at the sudden change in force.

This time Sero notices too.

"Dude, you swear you're good." He asks raising a brow.

"Y-yeah..." they help me up again taken aback by my current expression.

"...sorry" they just look at me trying to figure out what is happening by my body language and I think they have an idea because they both look over to Kirishima and blush.

Sero gives me a reassuring pat and a genuine smile whereas Kaminari shoots a teasing one. He starts to speak with a devilish smirk.

"Say Bakugou, you don't suppose that Kirishima is the reason you can't walk , right?" He raises a brow to make his expression more suggustive.

I give him an awkward chuckle and look away. He smiles.

"Don't worry! Your secret's safe with us!" Kaminari says throwing his free arm over Sero and pointing a thumb at him and then Sero. I chuckle and quietly flash them a smile while rubbing the nape of my neck out of discomfort.

"Thanks guys."

Kirishima POV:

I fidget with the small remote in my pocket accidentally increasing the power. I see Bakugou drop down to his knees then I see Kaminari and sero look over in my direction suspiciously. I shoot them a smirk and they look away blushing.

Heh, they must have caught on.

Soon enough, mina sees me smirking in Bakugou's direction and shoots me a confused look.

"What are you smirking at kirishima?" Mina asks pursing her lips. She already knows about the relationship between Bakugou and I so, I guess I could show her.

"Oh nothing just a little toy I bought for Bakugou to wear today." She smirks.

"Oh so you have one for your sub too?" She inquiries, I smile wholesomely too her.

"Of course, want to see me turn it up?" I respond with a peculiar grin. We were friends since high school, nothing creepy Im just showing off my submissive.

"Sure" she says with a shoulder shrug urging me to turn up the force. I pull the small black remote out of my pocket and turn it up to its highest.

Mina watches attentively as Bakugou falls to the ground moaning softly. She smiles and whispers to me.

"You're lucky, you have a beautiful submissive." I smile back.

"Thanks." After seeing Bakugou suffer enough I lower the force to the lowest. I hear him sigh a sigh of relief and stand up with worried looks from Kaminari and sero.

They are most likely also subs, well at least one of them. But, Im sure they both understand what's going on at least.

Mina looks at me fangirling a tiny bit at the sight. Maybe she just misses her sub too so she wants to help them or something?

She puts her hand on my shoulder and coo's.

"They're so cuuuuuuuute!" She cries. I smile, they sure are. I walk over to bakugou being sure to turn the force up all the way up again as I walk over there for teasing purposes.

He, as expected, falls too his knees oncemore so I help him up. With a fake look of concern I sling his arm over my shoulder. I look at his jelly legs and smile knowing damn well that Im the reason for this right now. Holding back a grin I speak.

"Are you okay Bakugou, you've been falling alot today?" He gives me a slightly cold glare.

''Yeah, Im fine." He says gritting his teeth a bit at the last part. I smile, cute.


Welp folks, that was all. I need to cut it a bit short because I need to work on the chapter for Christmas, I think imma be lazy and just base it off of a Hamilton song lol. Well anyway,


Word count: 1,022

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