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Hi so this is a very important announcement about what I plan to do with this story for now so please read it.

As of yesterday I received the news that my dog is likely going to have to be euthanized because of what they think is a brain tumor that's causing him to have really severe seizure episodes.

I've had him for a little over eleven years (since I was four) so of course this news is really heartbreaking to hear. As of now, I haven't received his lab results so I can't say for sure what's wrong with him yet, but I do know that in all my years of knowing him I've never seen him in so much pain as when he had a seizure yesterday.

In addition, I can't help but assume the worst, and my other dog gets really awful separation anxiety when it comes to him so I imagine if something happens I'll have to spend extra time taking care of him.

I was already undergoing a pretty severe writer's block as things were, but I imagine that this development will make writing much harder on me.

I would just like you all to know that there probably won't be any updates this week or over the course of this month.

Thank you for being patient with me, and uh here are some pictures of my dog, if you wanted to know what he looks like

Thank you for being patient with me, and uh here are some pictures of my dog, if you wanted to know what he looks like

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And also, here's him chilling in my laundry basket

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And also, here's him chilling in my laundry basket

He's the absolute sweetest dog I've ever had, he's so mellow that I've never seen him fight or even growl at another dog, and when we first got my other dog he never did anything but love him

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He's the absolute sweetest dog I've ever had, he's so mellow that I've never seen him fight or even growl at another dog, and when we first got my other dog he never did anything but love him.

I hope you feel better, my angel.

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