Chapter Two :The Argument.... Continuation

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Hey guys this is a picture of BTS Park Jimin for my Fellow Armies out there in the world. Just look😊 at him to cool your head down if you had a rough day, get some juice 🍹and relax to read this exciting update of your new story😍😍

With the confused look on her face , he couldn't help but giggle at her cuteness.
"Baby what I'm trying to tell you is simple. I want to protect you as your man from those bad guys around you. I transferred to your school in order to..... "
" what? Jerry that's ridiculous." Her words were so sharp that he got startled.
" I'm not your child for crying out loud. I'm a full grown 21 year old adult who is capable of taking care of her own self. I don't need you protecting me for whatever reasons you have. This is insane Jerry." She ranted on .

Karen was getting furious as she spoke. Her boyfriend was beginning to take things too far. First it was hitting a colleague guy of hers who had given her a ride home a month ago . Jerry misunderstood the whole situation and thought they had gone on a date. The second time was when Jerry had seen George hugging her in comfort after she had pick up a little fight with Jerry, he pushed George away carelessly that he fell on the ground and proceeded to punch him there too. Had it not been for her intervention, the consequences that day could have been unbearable. And since then, George had always avoided Jerry not because he is scared of him but on a reasonable note of not wanting to hurt her feelings.

"Baby calm down. I'm doing this because I think it's best for both of us. That way every guy around you would know you belong to me." He tried pulling her close but she ignored him and moved away.
" I'm not your property Jerry. I don't belong to you! You are only my boyfriend and the future between us is so unclear. If you continue interfering in my life like this, then I can't guarantee what the future would bring for us." The feeling of dissatisfied gestures was written all over her.

" You don't belong to me? What are you saying? Are you seeing someone else.... and you don't love me anymore? What is it you are saying? I'm trying to do my best for both of us and you are here telling me you don't belong to me? Oh I see.... Is him right....trying to snatch you away and you see nothing wrong with that huh.... What does he have that I don't have Karen tell me...... " he grabs her carelessly shaking her without thinking that the fragile body in his arms is hurting.
" You're hurting me JD let go of me" she starts tearing in the eyes and pleading to be released from the big hands. However, the strong arms seems to not hear the weak girl pleading.

"I have no idea what you are talking about. Let go of me please! You are being irrational here JD"
She gets pushed away and she slums in the dining chair.
"Tell me how many times you slept with him under the impression of being just "friends "... Is he better than me in bed? Is he bigger than me? How does he fuck you that makes you always hung around him..... Or you're scared I will get to know about you two that's why you so don't want me to be in your school?"
He leaned over her in the chair. And with the fire seen in his face, he starts to move his fingers on her cheeks down to her chest line and on touching the breast, begins to squeeze it in his palm sending fears down her spine.

Her boyfriend was scaring her and she didn't seem to like the situation at all. The red eyes that stirred her in the eyes and the manner in which she was caressed was so unusual. The man before her seemed to has lost his sanity and he continued harassing her. The pain was too much for her. Jerry had actually got his fingers slipped into her Jean and playing with her.
"does he do it this way better than I? Does he make you feel great than I do make you feel? "
Tears stream down as she no longer could take it. The pain was unbearable. She pushed him away and slapped him across the face. Gaining his sanity back, he released what he had done on seeing her sobbing out loud.
" Damn it what did I do?... " The stupid look on his face made him realise how hurt he had made her." I'm so sorry baby I don't know what came over me. I'm sorry.... I.. I...really am sorry.....i did not... "Fumbling out the words with regrets to his stupid action and reaching out his arms to touch her." Don't touch me! Don't you dare touch me Jerry... "she teared up while unconsciously scratching her hair down to her face." you beast! You've never loved me once.. All you think about is having your way with me like a property you own. You are so selfish. I have had nothing to do with anyone else other than you obsessive beast.... What the hell did you just do to me bastard? How dare you treat me like your whore! " The tears were uncontrollable as she wept and kept scratching her skin as if wanting to pull it out and wear a new skin.

Jerry got on his knees with tears in the eyes. He had exceeded his limits and he did wish he could reverse back the time and make right his mistake this evening. He himself didn't understand why he did what he did. He sincerely loved Karen and he knew too well. However, the issue is he was so obsessive with his girlfriend and the thoughts of her been close to other men was something he couldn't take. He knew he had no right over her irrespective of him being her boyfriend but he just couldn't stay calm. He knew he had ruined this night for them. He didn't plan to let things end this way but he couldn't avoid the unpredictable.

Jerry was tall and handsome. His physical appearance was one thing no man or woman  could avoid looking at twice  on passing by. He had smooth and attractive biceps that looked very delicious. He was half British and half Ghanaian with that soothing ascent whenever he spoke.  His brown hair was perfectly styled which complemented his appearance.  He was the third of three children to a British father and a Ghanaian mother. Growing up as a child, he was always aggressive and possessive over his things that he would never let anyone touch them. His parents tried as much as they could to help him understand that it wasn't always the right thing to do but all their efforts proved futile. He grew up over the years and that obsession grew more and more, making him feel that he had ownership to whatever he thought belonged to him. It was that temperament that had caused him in the situation he  found himself in at this moment in his life.

"Baby I'm so sorry." was all he kept saying. But she was so hurt that she was not ready to talk to him.
" Get out!.... Leave! I don't wanna see you JD. Please leave right now.... I'm not ready to talk to you!"
"Baby Pl..... "
" leave JD.... please. We will talk later. I'm tired and need some rest...don't forget to close the door behind you. "
He got up slowly in hesitant with the five letter words still on his lips as he left the exit of her apartment." sorry." He murmured.
At the door, he turned back to glance at the depressed girl on the dining chair and said calmly.. "I love you Karen... I honestly do" He left the room closing the door behind him with regrets all over him.

Poor Karen sobbed for sometime on the chair and getting up, she walked to the bathroom and running the cold water on herself, she wept more as she recalled what had happened a while ago on her kitchen dining chair. After some time, she left the shower after calming down, put on her night clothes and slipped into her blanket. Her phone beeped and she saw a message from a familiar number.
"Hey dear hope you are okay right? If you need someone to talk to just call me. I'm always there for you. Have a good night sleep 😘." She smiled naturally without effort, and placing the phone back by her bed side table, she closed her eyes breathing in a long air and trying to forget the chaos in her mind as she drizzled into the world of dreams. George's kind words were soothing enough to put her to sleep like a baby.

End of chapter Two

HI guys we are finally at the end of chapter Two. Thank you 🙌for your patience and love. And seeing the number of views now I'm so excited 😆😆and motivated to do more. I appreciate everyone of you reading my story. See you in the next chapter... Much love from Ghana 😘😘😘

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