Chapter Four :The Soul Mate

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The situation in the popular cafeteria was calm and warm.  A warm laughter could be easily heard there across the  other  tables, as guests of the  cafeteria chit chat here and there. The waiter in his blue work shirt smiled towards a customer seated at one corner of the cafeteria as he walked to the man to receive his other.
The waiter waved a hand with a smile as two young youth entered the cafeteria as the words "JJ" escaped from his lips in a mild tone towards the entrance of the shop but could be heard by the young man who walked in with a gorgeous young lady. 

The young man returned the smile accompanied with a wave to the waiter,  as he exchanged greetings with another waiter behind the counter."JJ......what's up my man?" The waiter enquired as he stretched out is hand for a hand shake. "I'm alright man.  How is it going?"  He answered as he shook hands with the other guy. "we're doing good J. Coming for your usual breakfast?" he probed on, glancing at the young lady beside him as if he meant to ask "having breakfast with your lady?"  which of course the smart guy easily caught on and replied "Yeah I'm here to have breakfast with my girlfriend. We decided to eat out today since is the weekend." Delivering a wink to the questioner. "That's great man. Get your seat and your meal would be served soon. You want the usual right?"  "Yeah sure and a cup of chocolate milk with an omelet and cake for the lady right?" He said as he directed the question towards Karen.
"make it two omelets please." She directed as she smiled towards the waiter coyly. "Yes ma'am. Please have your seat.  You would  be served soon."  " Thank you."  She said returned the smile to the waiter.

As they went to take their seat at one corner of the shop? Karen threw a question at Jerry. "I guess you are a regular here JD. The workers here seem to know you quite well?" He gave a wide smile as he tried explaining to her. "Not always but whenever I skip breakfast in the house.  The food here is delicious and they have friendly workers who deliver good services to their guest. Perhaps I get the fulfilment of a homemade food whenever I eat from here. So I can't help but to come here whenever necessary.  A friend introduced this place to me and I've never regretted eating from here. "
" Oh I see.  So you like it here better than the breakfast you ate at my place on those occasional visits huh?"  She complained with a scornful face at the one who seemed to love the food here in the cafeteria so much.

Laughing at her cuteness,  he took her hand and answered her with sincerity. "I love their food here but love yours more.  Because their cooking talent cannot be compared to yours sweetheart." And then he kissed her hand. She couldn't help but smile after hearing such a nice complement.

They were interrupted by the waiter as he came to serve their food. "Enjoy your meal."  He left them alone to continue with his work. They ate their breakfast while discussing nothing in particular. Karen however changed mood unconsciously as her eyes settled on a young couple who came and sat close to them. The couple had this natural phenomenon around them of which Karen couldn't explain.
On the first glance,  one could smell the existence of love and a strong passion around them from the way they stared at each other.
Karen could hear every bit of their conversation which of course made her sad and felt as if something was missing out in her life.

She however could not bring herself to notice what she was missing in her life. She ended up hardly biting into the rest of her food even though they were half way through their meal. Jerry could see from her face the sudden mood swing as the cheerful person with whom they were talking about many things but nothing specific suddenly lost herself on the table, and was either repeating what has already been said or kept on asking him to repeat himself as if she couldn't hear what he, Jerry was saying.   On realising the situation at hand,  he opted to get her attention back by making a funny joke with her hair do which actually worked as Karen burst out laughing. And when she realized she was been watched by other people inside the shop,  she finally covered her mouth with the palm of her hand and Continued to laugh.
After their meal,  they made their payment as they exited the shop.

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