Chapter Six : Very Intimidating

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When Anne and Karen got to their faculty's cafeteria, she was hesitant for a while since she wasn't sure how she was going to start a conversation with George without causing a weird atmosphere. Anne on the other hand seemed to be the only neutral person in this entire situation as she sat comfortably and and asked Karen what she wanted to eat. " I'm OK. I think a snack would do since I already ate breakfast this morning." Karen declined the offer to a heavy food from Anne." Oh I forgot you never miss out on your morning rice porridge ma'am. " they all chuckled as Anne went on to find some food for herself and snacks for her friend.

With George and Karen alone on the table, the atmosphere became cold as both didn't know what to say to the other. Karen began shifting on her seat as she moved her legs to and fro under the table. Just then the other person looked down the table as he felt something hit one of his legs from under the table. He made laughed to himself as he felt the other girl acting all coy and silly at that instance. " is the chair to small small for you? I could help you get another if you care to." he couldn't hold his laughter anymore as he burst out in laughter. "Oh don't be sarcastic please. This is the most awkward moment of my life. I'm just lost of words and not even sure how to start a conversation now." she started sincerely with concern and he understood since he felt exactly what she felt. After they got of their shields, they began talking comfortably again as before.

The situation had become normal and both parties came back to their normal self. After Anne made her return to the table, she couldn't miss out on the warmness around the table and she finally got relieved. She just needed this kind of atmosphere in her friendship and she couldn't be any happier than seeing them with smiles and warmth all over the table. The three friends sat down to enjoy their food amidst a lively conversation as they got lost in their own world and couldn't care any less about their their next lecture. Sensing that they were far behind time in getting to their next class, they hurried to cut short with their conversation and amusing atmosphere as the hurried off to class. As they sat beside each other in their normal positions in the middle of the hall, listening to their professor who wasted no time in delving in to straight matters, they stole glances at each other smiling and making signs only they could understand and at a point in time, the professor had to mention their names in order to get their attention on three occasions.

Haven had enough of the three already, the professor asked them to meet him in his office immediately after his lecture ended. The three friends with a stupid look on their faces stood in front of the professor who had asked to see them in his office. The professor however spared to time as he grumbled on his disappointment at them for their uncalled for behavior in his class. The proceeded in apologizing to the man after he had threatened of giving them a detention though they were not high school. " You are pushing me to me haste and irrational decisions as a punishment for you. I would have given y'all a detention till 8pm.But since y'all are matured and it's your first time showing this kind of attitude in my class, I would let it go. But believe me the next time I won't let it slid on just like that. You may leave my office."

The man complained as he let them off. As they left the office, they heaved a sigh of relief since they knew very well how their immaturity could have landed them in to trouble with the professor. Anne however couldn't help but laugh stirring constantly into Karen's face. " what is wrong with this girl?" a confused Karen asked George when she was supposed to ask the culprit herself. " I'm as confused as you are. Something must really be funny then." he chuckled with raised eye brows for concern. " so George you mean to tell me you missed out on that funny look on Karen's face when the professor reprimanded us? She looked like she wanted the earth to open up and swallow her whole." And as if drawn by a signal, they all burst out in a loud laughter, with Anne laughing her lungs out. " I clearly saw that but had to refrain myself from laughing as it would have meant an act of insolence on to the professor." they continue to laugh as Karen got speechless " guys guys I literally had to hold my mouth tightly since I couldn't control my laughter when I looked into her eyes seeing how scared she was." when Karen finally found her voice back, she responded to them making the laughter even more uncontrollably. " If only you knew how my legs were shaking, you would have called in for an ambulance since the worst could have happened. I thought this man was going to give us some sort of harsh punishment seeing the type of person he is" Anne was with all laughter as her friend stated with honesty how she felt.

As they continued to laugh and make fun of her. Anne tapped Karen on her shoulder with a naughty smirk " I guess an Angel is here to take care of our trembling friend." Both Karen and George turned their focus on the where Anne was looking at. She smiled towards the direction of the fourth member who was about intruding on their conversation. However, George felt uncomfortable since the rivalry between he and the intruder couldn't be denied. To be honest to himself, there were times he felt Karen failed to recognize his love for her because of him. He had always thought that if he had not appeared in the picture, Karen could have been his. And he wasn't wrong. But at the same time he felt that it was partly his fault since he hesitated in letting his feelings towards her known for the same fact that they were ' just friends'

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