Chapter nine: A new friend👫

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" hey girl congratulations! I bet I honestly left my faculty team and came cheering for you. I must commend you for your athleticism. You deserved that gold medal " she sure deserved the commendation for she had competed extremely well and with much bravery and athleticism that the whole crowd couldn't help but cheer her on . Others couldn't help but cheered her on openly while with their team members, thus one victim who possibly couldn't control himself had shouted on top of his voice in the presence of his fellow faculty members " go on Karen you're doing an amazing job there." Others had stared at him awkwardly but they couldn't blame him since he said just the uncomfortable truth in the presence of his faculty members while he could have cheered his own faculty team on.

Wilfred had without doubt fallen for her athleticism and couldn't help but congratulate her for her amazing efforts in winning two gold medals for the two competitions she had taken part. " thank you Fred. But I must say your faculty team did well. That guy could have won a gold medal too if not for the fall." She stated sincerely and she was right. Had it not been for the Faculty of Agriculture guy who had crossed him to fall, that dude could have walked home with a gold medal as well.
"You're right Karen but you're the best when it comes to athleticism. Trust me."
"Enough of the flattery Fred. Where are you headed towards now?" She couldn't help but ask since he was walking the same direction, afraid that he might forget the way to his own house.
" Going home. Need to take a nap. I'm tired already."
"I could give you a ride home if you want "
"Thanks dear but don't bother. I will use the bus."
"Why bother take a bus when I could be of help here? Come on I insist "
" alright dear. I won't refuse it then, thanks. "
"Don't mention Fred."
With that, they took off with Karen dropping him off to his house. When she got home it was quite late since she had to stop by a restaurant and eat something. She was preoccupied with the thoughts of her athleticism earlier on that day on the field that she couldn't see the figure standing right beside her door.
"Where are you coming from?"
The voice startled her,bringing her back to reality. "Goodness Jerry ! You scared me "
"I scared you huh? What were you thinking of?"
"Nothing much. Just thinking about today. And by the way why are you here?"
"You still haven't answered my question Karen. Where are you coming from?"
"I don't owe you explanations as to where i go right? Do I?"
"Oh really? Aren't you ashamed of yourself? So you have the tendency to say that to my face after running off with that guy to his house huh?Do you like him that much? Where is your sense of decency and pride as a lady to just throw yourself at a guy you met not long ago! Come on don't be soo cheap Sweetheart. Stop embarrassing your........." whooop!! right on his right cheek.
" how dare you Jerry. Enough of this rubbish . How can someone who calls himself my boyfriend say such disgusting words into my face? So you think I'm cheap huh just because I gave my friend a lift from campus to his house? Then I guess you're cheap too since you sleep with a cheap girl like me."
" Did you just slap me? How dare you....." raising his hands to slap her back but got his hands caught in the air by a heavy hands.
" Enough Jerry! She isn't your punching bag!" He pushed Jerry back and standing in between them, gave a threatening look to Jerry.
" Thank you Fred....." sobbing...." thank you for coming to safe me from him. I didn't do anything with you did I? Please tell him for me. He is misunderstanding things."
He turned to pull her close and console her. " You did nothing wrong dear. Don't cry ." He gave her a consoling hug 🤗 patting her on her back. " And what do you think you're doing? Would you get your hands off her?" Jerry burst out angrily, pulling Fred away from their embrace. " I'm doing exactly what you thinking. I mean which man treats the woman he claims to love this way? You don't deserve her dude. If all you gonna do is make her cry then, you should as well leave her alone man. There is someone out there who can treat her better than you can. Do you think she is your property or something? No no no dude you wrong! She is matured enough to go and come as she wishes. You have no right to treat her like a property since you don't own her. And moreover is a shame to think that your girlfriend slept with me on the basis of giving me a lift home. If you don't trust her that much then why are you still with her. Act like a real man dude. You're being childish!" Fred's utterance were with much anger that if Jerry had made any other move towards him, he would have been awarded a slap.

" And who do you think you are to teach me how to treat my girlfriend or how to be a man? Dude you better mind your business and stay away from my girlfriend. She is mine and I'm his. Whatever happens between us is non of your business so you better back off. Have you asked her if I have ever raised a finger on her? And even if I did, it will be non of your business. You're not the police to interrogate me so you shut up and leave!" Jerry on the other hand seemed prepared to punch him right in the face if he kept talking his business. The anger in his eyes and voice could clearly be seen and heard.
" so you have no sense of shame uttering such lame words huh? Beating her? Your heavy hands nearly landed on her face in a slap if I had not gotten here on time to catch that hand of yours. You're abusing her if you don't know. And I could call the police on you right now. Don't dare me."

A sudden silence downed on them that for a moment , it felt as if the entire universe had come to a Stand still. The whole situation looked like the scenes in a drama . Fred pulled Karen away walking towards the entrance of the hostel. On reaching the main gate to the hostel he came to a halt and Karen did same on impulse.
"I'm sorry if I was harsh on your boyfriend but I was very angry back there. He had no right to treat you that way. Are you ok? "
" Yeah I'm ok. Don't worry. Thanks for your help back there. I don't know what has come over him to make him act that way. I'm really sorry for the harsh words he used on you earlier on. He will never apologize for that so I will do that instead. Honestly speaking, I'm sorry for dragging you into this mess. Please accept my apology."
"Oh never mind dear. I caused it too. It all happened because of me. My apologies to you also."
" oh I should be the one to apologize Fred. But wait...... how did you get here. I mean how did you know I was in this mess?"
He smirked " I had seen him follow us earlier at the car park. He followed us till we got to my apartment but drove off immediately I got off the car. I realize something wasn't right so I had to follow you here."
" thank you very much dear. I least expected that from you as I ......"
" oh c'mon dear. This is the least I could do to help. But I think the thank yous are getting too much and it's giving me the chills. Shaaaysshh. Haha."
" hahaha alright alright. It's getting late dear. I need to catch some sleep now. I'm very tired. "
" sure you do. Let me send you back. Just want to make sure you're safe. You know he is still back there."
" oh don't stress yourself dear. I will be fine. He won't do anything stupid trust me. He knows when to stop when he come to his senses. "
" are you sure about that?"
" trust me dear. Goodnight then."
" goodnight dear. See you tomorrow. Be safe."
" you too" And so Wilfred left for his house while Karen walked back to her hostel apartment.

The giant figure standing right in front of her door was enough to alert her Jerry was still standing there. And had not moved an inch from where he was standing. She decided to pass without saying a word but, the other person looked like he had much to say. At least with the remorseful look.
" Babes I'm sorry. I allowed my jealousy to get hold of me. I'm sorry this will never happen again."
" Jerry you need to have some rest. It's late. We can talk tomorrow."
" Babe at least tell me something. I can't sleep when I know how I have hurt you. At least tell me I'm forgiven please"
" Jerry please I need to sleep. May we talk tomorrow please?"
" alright dear if you insist. I just want you to know that I love you. I honestly d....."

The sound of the door banged against the wall could clearly be heard. She wasn't ready to listen and he knew it.

End of chapter nine. Thanks everyone for the long wait and tolerance. Love y'all

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