The Deal Continued

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The situation at hand seemed to be getting interesting. Both guys were doing their best to get Karen's attention and she seemed to be enjoying everything going on unperturbed. It was funny how both guys tried to impress her. She however got confused somehow since she wondered why Jerry was doing this ridiculous thing with George, being her boyfriend. Her boyfriend was obsessive and she knew it, but to think of him being childish like this and following George's trick was funny.

She knew George was one of a trickster, being her best friend since childhood. On one hand, she knew George was trying to play a joke on Jerry ,but Jerry seemed to not notice what George was playing at and of course this wasn't going to be funny. But on the other hand she had known Jerry to be a person who never gives up to what is his. Even when it means hurting others around him he never cared. She sat outside her lecture hall since it was an inter departmental games of which she was going to take part. Karen, being a good athlete always had the green light during sporting events in the University. She had honored her department since her very first freshers sports during her first year in the University. And since then, her department has always wanted her to represent them most especially during 100 metre races ,tennis and volleyball,which she never for once disappointed them.
" Is this seat taken?"The handsome young guy who stood beside the seat near her asked, showing a broad smile on his face.
You can make yourself comfortable please. " she said without looking up to see the person who even asked. She seemed so concentrated on her phone and did not pay attention to the other person.

" we met again! It's been a month now. I thought I would never see you again after we met at the bookshop." the young man went ahead after realising her attention was not with him. " you seemed to be in a hurry on that day that I couldn't even get to talk to you. And now here you are, sitting right next to me." he gave a bigger smile than the previous one. She finally looked up from the phone and turned to look at the person who was interupting her at that moment.
" sorry but I don't think we've met before. I suck at recalling faces." she explained. " of course you wouldn't remember me because you have never seen me before. Forgive me but allow me to introduce myself properly to you. Im Wilfred from the faculty of Engineering. I met you at the bookshop a month ago. You look more beautiful closer than afar"

If this complement was to make her blush then he succeeded. She couldn't help but give a coy smile at that.
" thank you. So what brings you here. Because i don't think you're in this faculty because of me right?
" oh sure. I came to see a friend in this faculty and i happened to see you. I couldn't just walk by because i had been waiting for another opportunity to see you again. And here it is. I guess its my luck today." He smiled brightly and one couldn't help but smile back. His smile was so natural and very genuine. There was this aura of mystery behind that smile which made her wonder what it was.
Little did she know that smile was going to be her reason to make some choices she wouldn't regret later on in her life.
" oh thats great. And have you met that friend of yours already?"
" yeah i have. I was about returning to my faculty when i saw you sitting here and i couldn't just pass without coming to see you."
She didn't know why but he seemed to have a warm smile that was attractive and she couldn't help but smile back. " oh thank you for that." She blushed but was quick enough to hide it by looking down on her phone again.
" urghh im sorry if im making you uncomfortable. I can leave if you want me to". He apologized.
" oh don't worry im ok. Are you not going to watch the games this afternoon?"
" sure im going. It starts at 12 pm right?" He looks at his wrist and seeing that his watch said its time, he stood up ready to leave." Umm its 12 already are you leaving? We can go together if you don't mind?"

" No need for that. I will take care of her....." This answer was obviously not from Karen as she herself looked stunned by the reply...... " "Her boyfriend is here to pick her up so you can leave now!"
" Jerry don't be rude! He only asked if i would go to the stadium with him for the games for goodness sake!"
" well i didn't say anything that's false! I can't see where my fault is".
He walked over to her side and wrapp his arms around her waist pulling her close and making a face towards Wilfred as if to ask him ' you dare?'
" oh its alright Karen. No need to pick a fight with him because of me. Im leaving then. See you around. Bye"
" I don't think there would be a reason to see her arou.....ouch! Why did you hit me?" He cried out after being interrupted with a slap on his left sholder.
"Be nice to him! What is your problem?" She turned with a smile towards Wilfred" see you sometime Fred. Take care....bye"
The guy just nodded and looked at Jerry sucked his teeth and left. Jerry knew without a doubt that the guy just bored a grudge against him but he couldn't be bothered about that.
" when would you stop driving my friends away. Aren't you tired of meddling in my life all the time? Can't you give me a litlle space as i have given you? I don't complain when you have female friends around you. So why would you drive mine away? You are annoying and i hope you get that!"
" Im i interrupting anything? I have been trying to reach you. Where is your phone? " He went on without paying any attention to the boyfriend who stood starring at him with a weird look on his face.
" sorry George i possibly couldn't have seen your call with this whole drama of my ' wonderful boyfriend' here. Where is Anne? If you guys are ready we can get going . The games are almost starting."
" don't be sarcastic Karen. But i sure am really a wonderful boyfriend".
He smiled as he stressed on the 'wonderful boyfriend' looking straight at George.
" oh you surely wish boy....." " Anne already called that she would meet us there. So we can go now ". She turned and replied George.

George couldn help but smirk at Karen's remark on Jerry being a 'wonderful boyfriend'. He starred right in to Jerry's face and laughed softly. However Jerry couldn't help but ignore him.
" well may we go now babes? We are behind time".
" Im sorry but you have to go there alone Jerry. I already made plans with George to go together. See you there. George please lets go".
Jerry stood there speechless. " hold on babes! did you just ditch me?"
" yes .... I just did! Im going with George.. You can tag along if you don't mind?"
" ouch....that hurts! Just like that? I drove all the way here to your faculty and you're just ditching me infront of him? Come on babes!" His eyes pleaded as he tried to get her to go with him. " sorry J...see you there...bye"
George looked on and couldn't hide his laughter " well man im sorry but i have to drive her there. She can't afford to miss her competition ...bye!"
He teased as he taped Jerry on the shoulder patting him with a smirk as he opened the front door on the passenger side for Karen and off they drove leaving behind Jerry with a stupid face .

End of chapter eight.
Sorry for the long wait.

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