Chapter Five: When The Reality Hits You Hard. 😩

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The weekend was finally over and  today was Monday. Karen wasn't expecting anything special other than her curiosity over how Jerry moving to her University was going to be.  They had talked it over during the weekend in Jerry's house. She wasn't expecting him to interfere with her campus life as she wasn't going to interfere with his. She couldn't trust him with that but since he had promised to do his best and not interfere with her life on campus,  she had no other option but to trust him.

As she woke up in the morning preparing to start her week with the early morning lecture, she didn't miss out on taking her preferred morning rice porridge with more milk as she added a little sandwich and topped it with some fruits which she bitted into as she drove to school. On reaching the designated lecture hall,  she found it to her surprise that she had come so early given the fact that she had gone to meet only two people already seated and reading through the previous lecture notes. Finding a seat in the middle of the hall,  she sat down and grabbed her notes to read through and then checked the time only to realize it was now in the morning. Damn she was too early,  she murmured to herself and she read her notes.

She is however startled 4 minutes later by a thin voice behind her. "Hey girl did you find some pins on your sleeping sheets this morning?" she turned to see the face of her friend Anne who looked exhausted as if someone had dragged her into the lecture hall without her consent.
"I guess so. I woke up and prepared to come here without even knowing what time it was. You look tired,  lacked some sleep or went out clubbing? " she looked scornfully at a sleepy friend whom she knew was a fun of a popular club across her Street." I bet you can really see through me. I couldn't get enough enough I'm sleep last night since I went to the club and couldn't return early. But this time I assure it wasn't my plan. It was George's. He called me last night and sounded all gloomy on the phone. He said he needed to go out and catch some fresh air which finally landed us in the club. Hey is there something wrong with him these days?  Perhaps he has told you about some challenges he may be facing? "

She directed the question to Karen who looked up confused." a problem like what? I don't understand what you are saying. " She retorted and asked for further details." the issue, at first I thought he was just stressed from the project we did. After you left my house with yesterday with him, he called me and asked if I wanted to meet up and have some fun. I asked why and he said he only tired from the project work. It was quite understandable though since most of the work was done by him.  So I decided to meet him in at mall but he declined and said he was already at the bar across my street so I had to meet him there. He got so much to drink and later started talking weird. But I clearly remember he mentioned your name but can't recall what he said after mentioning your name.  The last thing I remember was seeing tears stroking down his cheeks. I can't remember anything else is certainly I passed out after drinking more wine. "

Karen was quite for sometime as the incident of the other day's evening came back to memory. After receiving a call from George to come to Anne's house since there were going to have to do the project work there,  she told Jerry she would take a cab there but he insisted on driving her to Anne's. They project was a literature on the concept of love of which they needed to delve more into the subject. Anne raised her concern on the topic about the importance of valuing those we fall in love with. She continued to talk about how each person has a soul mate and is destined to be with the person for eternity. As the words "soul mate" and "destiny"  was mentioned,  both Karen and George looked up at each other and we're moving uncomfortably on their seats as Anne continued to raise her concerns.

Both were uneasy throughout the entire period of working on their project until they were done with the work. However,  George opted to give Karen a ride to her hostel apartment and she accepted to join him. The car was silence for a while as they drove on the streets on their way back. " errr we finally got our work done. It was a nice work though since we got to talk about a sensitive topic." George broke the silence as he forced himself with a smile but his faithful face betrayed him since the smile was so unnatural. Given a nod to the statement did nothing but to make him more uncomfortable seeing she didn't want to talk. He made a Stern face and looking at her,  he decided to continue with his talk.

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