Picani's POV
I walk into this nice looking room and explore it. ''Meow meow meow," People! I jump onto the bed and see 2 young gays cuddling. Aww they are so cute together but I want attention too. I jump in between the two boys and cuddle up on the purple haired boys face, then I start to purr.
(Hehe I got a bit bored.)
Virgils POV
I wake up finding it kinda hard to breath. I open my eyes and I see all black and something purring. I pull my hands on my face and I hear a 'meow' I mentally laugh and pick Picani up off my face. "Aww, you silly kitten, you seen Roman and I cuddling and you just wanted attention too." I say hugging Picani.
Roman sits up. "Aww how is the most handsome person in the world doing?" Roman says
"I don't, how are you babe?" I say to Roman.
I see him blush then he snuggles his face into my arm. "What are you to embarrassed to show you face. What a sham, I wanted a good morning kiss." I say putting Picani down."
Roman lifts his head up and kisses me on the lips. I kiss back, enjoying the moment. Then he moves down toward my neck and kisses there. I smile and push him away. "I love you." I say smiling widely.
"I love you too babe." Roman says as he gives me one last kiss and leaves the room as I hear Patton yell. "Breakfast is done."
I get up out of Roman cozy bed and head to the bathroom to brush my teeth.
"I cant believe it, he never cared about me. No one did, not mother nor father!" I hear Remus yell at Roman.
"Its not my fault that he tried to murder Virgil!" Roman yells.
The next part I couldn't hear, i could hear anything but Deceits voice.
I love you
I hate you
I will make sure nothing will hurt you
Then I could hear Roman's voice
He tried to murder you!
All I could hear were those phrases over and over again.
I could stand and longer, I fell to the floor after swaying, and I could feel the hot tears run down my face.
I always loved Remus. I'm the one who cut his hair for him when he realized he was a boy not a girl. The one who gave him most of his money to buy a binder. Also I was the one who asked for bigger clothes to let him wear. I was always there for him. I was there when he got Top Surgery, I wanted to be there when he got Bottom Surgery also but he wasnt okay with that. I was there when he took his first shot of Testosterone. But he feels that I never loved him.
"V!" I hear Remus yell.
"Re?" I question.
"I'm so sorry I didnt mean it!" Remus says while picking me up.
"Its okay, you were just angry." I say while hugging him.
"I know, you helped me the most through my transition I should have never said you didnt care about me."
"Guys! It's time for breakfast!" Patton yells.
We all laugh and Remus picks me up and we head to the dining room.
This Is My Life (Sander Sides Story)
Random-Completed- Book 3 (Series of The New Kid, Virgil Moorse.) After much tragedy happens in Virgils life, he becomes challenged in other ways. He feels alone even through he has his friends. Roman is doing well, he is having an amazing life then some...