Chapter Eighteen

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Virgils POV

"Deceit is found..." The Judge says

4 hours earlier

I walk into the court room with Remus, Roman, Patton, and Logan behind me. I was ready for Deceit to finally get a taste of his own medicine.

I sit down next to my defender. I know he will be guilty.

"Virgil Damon Moorse, will you take the stand." The judge says.

I walk up to the stand and sit down.  "Virgil, at graduation were you shot." Blades defender says.

"Yes, I was."

"Were you in a relationship with Deceit."


"Was it ever sexual?"

"No I'm am asexual." I state

"When was the last time you and Blade had a romantic encounter?"

"The Valentines day dance, Blade danced with me when our song played."

"Okay, do you think Deceit would have shot you."

I look at my defender. "Yes."


"He was jealous of Roman and I, and Logan and I were together. He wanted me to feel how it felt, the pain he felt."

"Did u ever make him have pain?"


"Didnt you break up with him?"

"Yes, but that's because he cheated on me with Remus."

"That will be all." Deceits defender says.

I leave the stand and Deceit is brought in and take the stand.

My defender walks up to talk with Blade.

"Deceit Blade John, did you break up with Virgil."

"No, he broke up with me."

No I didn't.

"Were you in a relationship."


"Ever sexual."

"No, he doesn't love me like that."

"Did you ever touch a gun?"

"Yes, my father had one, I once tried to show myself with it."

"Did you ever shoot anyone else with it?"

"Well, I'm not going to. Yes 2 people."


"The Principal and Virgil." Blade says while smiling at me.


"The principal was in the way and Virgil because I wanted him back. I loved him and i didnt know how to show my love so I thought if I shot and killed him, I wouldn't have to feel these feelings for him no longer."

"No more futher questions."

We sit down. What just happened. I wipe my face and I see I was crying.

1 hour Later

The jury comes into the room and take there seats.

"Okay, Jury what do you choose."

"Guilty as Charged." The lady stands up and says.

I look at Deceit and he smiles.

"Deceit is found guilty. Deceit John you get $1 from Virgil Moorse. Virgil Moorse, you get $1,000,000 from Deceit John." The judge says

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