5 seconds of magcon?!

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The boys were in a hurry to leave the salon. Probably because of the hundreds of screaming girls that kept trying to get pictures with them. Security guards started holding back the girls. While that chaos goes on I am just sitting down laughing at the boys. Nash just walks up to me and grabs my arm and yanks me upward. But he put way to much strength into it. I go flying and land on my butt. "Stand up!" He yells over the screaming girls. I just chuckle and shake my head to aggravate him. He just throws me over his shoulder. He stomps out of the store with the guys following behind him. "Nash put me down!" I yell banging on his back. "Oww stop!" He yells back at me. "Then put me down." I say in a 'duh' tone. He rolls his eyes and throws me on the pavement. "Oww!" I yell at him aggravated. That seriously hurt. Thanks to the way he threw me I landed on my back. I slowly stood up searing pain shooting up my back. I see Nash walk over towards the rest of the guys. This is my chance to run. I slowly step forward hoping not to catch the attention of the guys. I then book it, ignoring the pain in my back. I keep running not looking back. That was until I hear a bunch of screaming girls really close to me. Dang it the guys must be chasing me. I look back. Hmm thats weird I dont see the guys? But I do see a bunch of screaming girls running in the same direction as me. What the-....BANG. I fall down and land on my back again causing me to yelp out in pain. "Oh my god are you okay?" I look up to see Michael Clifford- WAIT WHAT MICHAEL CLIFFORD FROM 5SOS OMG I MIGHT MELT FROM HIS HOTTNESS!!He looks at me with worry realizing I am still on the ground, rubbing my back. I manage a small smile and try to stand up. I end up wincing. "Let me help you." Michael says stretching out his hand so he can help me up. I grab it slowly. Michael gently pulls me up. I give him a weak smile. Hoping he doesnt see the dullness in my eyes. "CAMRYN GET Back here!!!" I hear Taylor yell angrily. I immediately say I gotta go and start running. Before I make it far I feel someone grab my wrist. I scream and fall to my knees starting to cry. "Oh my god I am so sorry whats wrong?" I look up to see Michael. He bends down and hugs me. Thank god its not one of the guys.

[Camryn = C Michael = M]

C= Nothing

M = I am guessing your Camryn considering you took off running when someone yelled your name.

C = Yeah I am Camryn. I am sorry but I gotta go.

M= Why?

C = They are going to kill me if they find me.


C = Taylor, Nash, Matthew, Hayes, Carter, Jack J, Jack G, and Cameron.

M= those names sound really familiar...

C = Yeah they are part of that vine famous group magcon.
Michael picks me up bridal style and brings me towards this huge bus that says 5 Seconds Of Summer. Omg its their tour bus!!! He carries into the bus and sets me down next to Luke who is playing FIFA on xbox. "Hey" He says not looking away from the tv. "Wait a second who are you?" He says looking away from his game. "I a-" Michael comes back into the lounge area and hands me ice. "So Mikey who is the girl?" Luke says looking away from Michael towards me. "She is Camryn. I saw her running and she ran into me. She really hurt her back when she fell. So I helped her up then someone yelled at her to come over. So she took off running and I chased her wondering what happened. She told me that someone was trying kill her. She told me it was some magcon members." Mikey explains to Luke. Luke raises his eyebrows. "Ugh thats not the whole story." I say nervously. "So there's more?" Luke asks in amusement. He seriously thinks this is a joke?! "Luke I am serious I need you guys to help me!" I scream pleading him to believe me. "Luke I think she is telling the truth." Michael says sitting down next to me. "Ugh whatever finish your story." Luke replies going back to his game.
After I finished explaining how I was kidnapped, the events that happened at the house place, how my escapes failed, how we went shopping, and how my hair was dyed which led up to me here. Right now I am in a group hug with all of the 5sos members. Yup when I was telling the story Calum and Ashton showed up. Luke was skeptical at first but eventually believed me.

"Guys what are we going to do?" Michael asks.
" 'we' are going to bring her back to those guys we can't get ourselves hurt!" Luke says defensively. " Luke we can't let her het killed." Mikey says calmly." Really mate you only like her because she has blue hair and as you say 'got that rebel status' Come on we bring her back to the guys and she gets killed then we tell the police it was those dudes and bam there ya go they are in jail and we are safe." Luke says on a duh tone. "WE ARE NOT LETTING HER GET KILLED MATE END OF STORY" Michael yells then stands up. "Michael is right we can't let her get killed I am sorry mate." Calum says as he pats Luke on the shoulder. Is it just me or do they say mate a lot? All of a sudden someone starts banging on the door furiously. "Ugh mates we got a problem!" Ashton says peaking out the window to see who was banging on the door. "Who is it?" I ask curiously. I-Its th-them." Ash stutters nervously. Wow such a tough guy. "See this is why I didn't want to have her here!" Luke whisper yells. "This is not the time to complain! So shut up and find a place for me to hide pretty boy!" I whisper yell back at him. Luke just roles his eyes. "Ashton you answer the door, Michael you and Camryn will hide in a bunk, Luke you continue playing FIFA so it doesn't look suspicious and I will act like I am eating." Calum whispers. We all nod and do as we are told. Me and Michael are squished together in his bunk with the curtains pulled so if the guys look in they can't see us. We don't dare to move. The pounding continues on the door till Ashton opens it. "May I help you?" Ashton asks. "Ugh ya me, Hamilton, and Benjamin are looking for a girl." The voice says. Wait thats Matt! But wait why did he use their real names? "Mate I am pretty sure all of us are looking for that one special lady." Ash says acting like he doesn't know what Matts talking about. "No not like that she ugh.... Ran away yeah ran away and we can't find her." Wow nice save Matt he totally could not tell you were lying. "Nope haven't seen her sorry mate." "Oh uh okay let me know if you do." Finally he is gone. I step out of the bunk and walk into the living room. "Thanks guys your th-" Oh my god Matt is still at the door! "Really she is right there?" Nash says with a raised eyebrow. Ashton turns and looks at me with a panicked face. Damn it Damn it Damn it!!! I am an idiot!! Oh no here we go again. "You worried there princess?" Nash asks with a smirk on his face. I just stand there staring at him in the eyes. If I was not in this situation I would be flipping out over how blue his eyes are. "Good." Nash says then chuckles. " If you come here I won't hurt any of these guys." Nash says stepping into the bus. "Really?" I ask in a baby voice. "Really princess now come here." Nash says opening his arms for a hug and bends down so he is my height. I take a really small step forward. "Ha no!" I yell. "You need to leave" Mikey says clenching his fists. "Guys lets go we still have whats her name." Hayes says getting annoyed. "Whatever." Nash says then glares at Hayes. They finally leave. Meaning all of the guys are freaking out. Great.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THEIR PROBLEM!!" Mikey yells annoyed. "I have no clue." I said trying to calm Mikey down. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! MAYBE IF YOU STOPPED WITH THE SASS THEY WOULD NOT WANT TO KILL YOU OR WHATEVER THEY WANT TO DO TO YOU!!!" Luke yells angrily. "I hope that one day you choke on the shit you talk." I sass glaring at Luke. I love him but he can be such an ass. "Where did you buy your attitude Abercrombie and Bitch?" Luke sasses while crossing his arms. Did he just sass me back? Oh he is in for it now. Luke just scoffs. I role my eyes. "Good keep rolling your eyes maybe you can find a brain back there" Luke sasses at me. "I hope karma slaps you before I do." I sass back at him. "Guys stop fighting." Ashton says stepping in between Luke and I. "Guys we need to get ready for the big dinner party tonight." Calum says looking at each of us. My eyes go wide in shock. A dinner party?! I grab a water off the table and take a sip.

"Well I have a bunch of new clothes in 'their' car." I say with a straight face. "They are probably still at the mall and I can pick the lock on the car grab my clothes and one of Hanna's outfits in case I need to look fancy." "Ok just be car- wait who is Hanna?" Ashton asks confused. "Hanna is my cousin who well got kidnapped with me an- OMG I JUST REALIZED THEY COULD BE HURTING HER!!!" I yell the last part frantically. "Look I am sure she is fine we just need to worry about you once you have your clothes we will go to the police and you can stay with us until we can get you back to your mum. Ok?"
I nod quickly hiding my face so they don't see the tears streaming down my face. Calum pulls me into a tight hug and doesn't let go. I cry into his shoulder leaving his shirt wet.

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