Note to self: Never make a plan with idiots.

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Cammie's POV

"Here Mikey you can have a slice of my pizza." I say handing him a slice of pizza. "THANK YOU SO MUCH CANDY" Mikey yells grabbing the slice of pizza out of my hand. "Cammie. My name is Cammie not Candy Michael." I say sighing. "Oh righf I smew frat" Mikey says with his mouth full of pizza.


After we all ate Calum comes back in to the living room. "Okay guys we need to make a plan." I say. "A plan for what?" Michael asks confused. "A plan to take over the world." I say sarcastically. "Really how are we going to do that?" Michael asks again. "Its not actually a plan to take over the world idiot." Calum says. Well you can tell he is still mad about the pizza incident. "Oh well then about what." "Guys its obviously a plan for us to get more pizza" Luke says in a 'duh' tone. I fall back on to the couch and groan. I knew they were stupid but I didn't know they are complete and utter idiots. "No its a plan about what video game to buy" Michael argues. "No its about pizza" Luke argues back. Lord help me. "YOU IDIOTS ITS A PLAN ON HOW TO GET HANNA BACK" Calum yells standing up annoyed with the Luke and Mikey arguing like 2 year olds. "And about how once we get Hanna how are we going to get them back to their parents." Ashton pipes up. "Thank you! Finally." I say sighing in relief.
"We should get water guns and sneak in the house like ninjas and squirt them in the eye then get we can get Hanna and fly them back home!!" Mikey yells. "No we should use are superpowers to beat them up and then we can grab Hanna and fly them back to Mississippi!!" "Its Massachusetts" Ashton corrects them "Yeah that place!" Luke yells. I run my fingers through my hair. "Guys sorry to rain on your parade but you do know that even though you are my heroes and many other peoples to doesn't mean you actually have superpowers." I sigh. Now would be a good time for Castiel to show up and wake my ass up from this dream.(If you get this reference I will love you for ever). I know the well you know what actually happened since my shoulder and my head feel like they have been repeatedly whacked with a sludge hammer. Please tell me like I fell asleep on the couch or something cause' if this is actually happening I may or may not have a mental breakdown.

"Come on guys" I groan "Can't you take one thing seriously. I have been having the worst week possible! So much shit has happened. I just need to get my cousin back and get the hell back home!!" I yell,tears forming in my eyes. "Yeah really guys, Cammie has been through hell. She deserves to get Hanna and make their way back home." Ashton says. He then walks over and sits next to me on the couch. He pulls me onto his lap and I cry into his chest. I swear I am acting like I am bipolar (this is not meant to be offensive to bipolar people). I don't even know what to do anymore. But Note to self: Never make a plan with idiots. "I am sorry about them Cammie. They know you feel bad about everything mentally and physically but they are just trying to lighten the mood." Calum says trying to calm me down. I sniffle and look at the three boys i front of me then I turn around and look at Ashton who's lap I am sitting on. I sigh then say, ""Its hard when your in love with an idiot."

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