Permanent Vacation

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"How about we go and check the place we found Cammie?" Calum suggests.
"Wouldn't they be smart enough to leave since they probably assume we are going to get Hanna?" Ashton points out. "What do you think Cammie?" Michael asks slowly. "Well its worth a shot. And besides knowing them they most likely stayed in the same place."
"But why would they stay if they knew we would go back for Hanna" Luke questions.
"Exactly why they would stay."
I got a lot of "Why?" "What?" "Huh?" and "Come on they can be that stupid" from the boys."Actually they can. But anyways thats not what I meant.I mean that they want us to go back. This was no dare. There must be something they have not told us.".
"What ever the reason is good or bad we need to get Hanna back before she goes on uh-um- permanent vacation."
"Don't you dare say that Calum. She will be fine!'" I snap glaring at the tall tan aussie in front of me. I glance over at the clock its 10:30pm. This has definitely been the worst 10 hours of my life."Guys I think Cammie deserves some rest. Anyone wiling to give up their bunk?" Calum asks. All he received was blank stares. "Okay I guess you can have mine. I will take the couch."
"Thank you Cal" I say smiling.
Calum smiled back.
"Okay tomorrow we leave. We are going to that apartment and getting Hanna back." Ashton announces, "That sound good?"
"But wait how are we going to even do that?" Luke asks looking really confused. Ashton sighs and mumbles a quick "Forgot about that part" under his breath.
"Guys lets just sleep on it and announce our ideas in the morning." Cal says. Now its my turn to sigh.I have no clue how long Hanna and I have been away. Hell I don't even know what day it is. All we have been doing is goofing off, arguing, and coming up with stupid unrealistic plans. "Fine you wanna know what lets sleep on it but first thing tomorrow we go and get her." "Oh and one more question..Can I borrow a big tee shirt from one of you guys since I don't have pajamas." Yeah sure." Michael says taking out his white rolling stones t-shirt and hands it to me . I walk over to the small bathroom to change into the shirt. I walk out clothes in hand. I was worried about the shirt being to short, but it looks like a dress on me. I throw my clothes on a chair next to me. Calum leads me to his bunk and then walks away.Unfortunately for me it is a top bunk.That wouldn't be bad if there was a latter but no they just climb on up there without a latter since they are so freakin' tall. "Uh Calum" I say looking over at him making his bed on the couch. "Yeah Camryn?" Cal says looking at me. "I um sorta can't reach the bunk..."
All of the guys laugh at me and I already know my cheeks are turning pink. Calum walks over and gently lifts me up placing me in the small bed. I tuck myself in and say goodnight to the boys. The lights go out and I eventually fall asleep to the sound of soft snoring.

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