Bad Blood

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I have no clue what to do. I am in a tour bus with 4 boys. God knows where I am. Wait.. "Umm guys where am I exactly..." I say slowly. "Your in L.A. now." Ashton replies. I nearly choke on my drink. "HOW DID I END UP IN L.A. THE EVENT WAS IN BOSTON?!" I yell worried. How long was I knocked out? The guys reactions were a mixture of pure horror and shock. Michael runs his fingers through his now red hair. "Mates ugh we got a letter." Luke says while opening the door of the tour bus. " F-f-from w-w-who" Ashton stutters nervously. Luke doesn't respond he just looks at me with sorrow. I knew exactly who it was from. I take the letter from Luke and read it out loud:

"Dear Camryn, You know it was a dare right? We don't - well I don't intentionally want to hurt you. We took it too far but you did't have to be so stubborn. Hanna is okay but she is sorta freaking out. Which resulted with Taylor repeatedly getting hit over the head with a spoon. Why can't you forgive us? At the event you seemed to love us what changed? By now you probably know that you are now in L.A home to Nash and Cam. Your mom thinks you are on tour with us. Cam can be pretty persuasive when he needs to be. I wonder where you're going to sleep and get clothes. If you make the smart decision and come back to us then you will be rewarded and by reward I mean not as badly punished. But if you stay with them you will have to be severley punished. I am sorry baby girl. Please respond to this letter.

Thank you

Sincerely, Matt."

"So are you going to respond?" Calum asks. "Yup now someone get me pen and a paper." I instructed. I grabbed the pen and paper and began writing in my terible handwriting.

Dear Matt, I am not stupid but obviously you are.Why would I go back to you guys? I did love you guys but you screwed everything up. In case you can't tell we obviously have some bad blood. It wouldn't have to be this way if you didn't decide to be stupid and commit a crime. I know exactly what I am doing so bug off. I WILL get back home with Hanna by my side and I will have you guys arrested.

I hate you

Sincerely, Camryn.



Guys listen to Bad Blood by Taylor Swift it is the official song of the chapter. :)

Thank you

Stay sassy



We all walked over towards Cam's car. When we got to the car it was running but no one was in it. Calum put the letter to them on the windsheild while I opened the back door to grab my bag of clothes and one of Hanna's outfits which I hope will fit me. Once we do everything we run back to the tour bus. Being the clumsy person I trip over my own foot and land flat on my face. None of the guys seemed to notice so I ended up about 20ft behind them. I turn around to see Matt reading the note. Sadly I am only about 15ft away from their car so he can easily see me. I stand up slowly and begin walking backwards carefull not to make a sound. But since I have the worst luck in the world I end up falling backwards on to the pavement.The impact made me scream out in pain causing Matt to look towards me. Seeing me made a smile form across his lips. He began walking towards me. I yell Michael's name as loud as I could. A few seconds later I see all the 5sos members trying to get to me before Matt could. "Stay.........the........hell........away......from her." Michael says panting. Matt just ignores them and keeps running. Matt was closer to me than Luke was since he is like 6'0 and played football but Luke was still close. I am guessing he could run that fast due to his long legs since he is like 6'2. I just close my eyes and pray to god that Luke gets to me first.

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