Ch. 3 = The Word

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Warning: This story will contain issues such as, violent domestic break ups, swearing and other domestic issues. Please take caution when reading this chapter. If you are uncomfortable reading this chapter because of this warning, by all means, please wait for the next chapter to be posted. Thank you.

Word Count : 1470

Time Skip
Ghost had pretty much passed out when he returned to his apartment. He didn't even remember eating dinner so he was starving to eat breakfast. He was downing down his bowl of cereal and texting Spooker all that had happened.

"Why do you actually still talk to this loser?! Like seriously?!"

"I can't beleive it Spooker, I really can't."

"What can't you beleive? He really does wanna be your friend!"

"But no ones ever really wanted to truly be my friend. I don't even know how to properly communicate with him without getting stupidly nervous!"

"Lol. You sound like a school girl talking about a cruuuush."

"Oh shut up Spooker! Just help me out!"

"Well in order for me to help you, I gotta know what he looks like and how he acts. Set up another time with him I guess."

"Ok. That can work. I'll give you a time next time I send him a text."

"Lol. Sounds good Ghost. Ttyl!"

"Ttyl Spooker."

Spooker set his phone down on his nightstand dresser and layed back down on his bed. He smiled to himself at the thought of Ghost making a new friend. And this time, it really sounded genuine by the way he was explaining it.

Fred was usually really good at catching bad people before they really did anything horrible to Ghost. But with this, Johnny Toast guy, he couldn't be so careless. He already let David hurt Ghost and that was worse enough.

Spooker took a deep breath and shut his eyes momentarily. He could hear his parents shouting downstairs. Maybe he'd text Ghost again to see if he could stay over for a bit. No. Bad idea, Ghost was probably in a good mood. Best not ruin it.

Fred felt his stomach growl. He looked down and put a hand to his stomach and patted it. "Yeah, I hear ya... just gotta wait... wait for tonight to get out of the house." He muttered, unknown to the heated argument downstairs.

He closed his eyes and attempted to sleep away the hunger that was increasingly demanding more attention. His ears tuned into the argument.

"Get out if you don't care!"

"I'll stay wherever I damn want woman!"

"No you won't! I'll call the police if you don't get out this instant!"

"Then I'm taking Fred with me!"

"He stays with me damn it!"

Spooker kept his eyes tightly shut, he covered his ears. Why couldn't his parents just break up faster? It'd be easier on both of them. Rolling to his side, Spooker kept his hands over his ears, still attempting to fall asleep.

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