Ch. 9 = Maxwell Attacks

61 3 3

Word Count : 1091

Time Skip Again : A couple months later

The day was going very slowly. It was almost noon and still not call in for any entities to chase out. And all four of the investigators were bored out of their minds.

Colon was upside down on the sofa, mindlessly watching Spooker; who was on the floor on his stomach, surf t.v channels. Ghost was close to falling asleep on the sofa next to Colon, though he was up right. Toast also seemed to be running out of ideas on whatever he was typing.

Each of the investigators were mindlessly letting time tick away. That was until the phone rang.

Spooker, Colon, Toast and Ghost all collectively had heart attacks at the sudden loud, abrupt noise. The four all looked at each other before they all simultaneously scrambled up from their resting spots. "I'VE GOT IT!" They all shouted in sync.

Ghost jumped off the couch, while Colon fell sideways in the scramble to up right himself. Spooker did a quick push up and was already on his feet while Toast had shut his laptop cover and set it down in his spot, jumping over the arm of his armchair just as Colon got up as well.

The four then took a mad dash for the phone, which was just getting done with its first ring.

Toast, having the advantage of being the tallest and the fastest at that moment, got to the phone and answered the phone, putting it up to his ear. "Paranormal Investigator Extraordinaires, Johnny Toast speaking. How may I help you?" He addressed, a bright smile on his face as he silently giggled at the others, who were panting and out of breath from the spike of adrenaline. 

The caller spoke from the other line. "Hey uh, yeah. I uh- I live in my house besides a forest yeah, and I like- I- I'm hearing weird stuff man, can you and your guys come to -------------------- and check it out please? Its killing my mood right now and flat out creeping me out." The caller stuttered out that sentence.

Toast processed the sentence within a matter of milliseconds and hastily replied. "Very well sir, we'll pop over asap. We'll see you there."

The caller suddenly went into a panicked, stuttery explanation. "No way in hell man! I ain't staying here!" Heavy gasps came from the other line. Toast instantly signalled the others to grab everything and head to the van.

Toast's blood ran cold as the caller from the other end of the line let out a scream of horror. The sounds of the phone clattering to a floor were suddenly audible. Instantly, Toast hung up their side of the call and then sprinted out of the apartment to join the others as quickly as he could.

Jumping into the back seat of the van with Spooker, Toast quickly told the location the caller had spoken of to Ghost and then buckled as Ghost carefully but quickly pulled out of their driveway and sped down their street.

Time Skip = Now at said Location

Spooker held onto his flashlight tightly as himself, Toast, Ghost and Colon all entered the forest. There wasn't any going back from here now. Each of them were to stay close together but that would probably be unlikely due to past actions.

Both Johnny's were in the front while Colon and himself held up the back.

The sky had suddenly become oddly darkened when they all had stepped foot inside the forest, and Spooker was sure all of them knew something was up.

The wind had also picked up and it had gotten chillier. Spooker was honestly grateful he was wearing his usual green sweatshirt underneath his bullet proof vest. Fred looked at his other peers. Colon was wearing something similar to him which was pretty cool and Johnny was wearing his usual grey PIE hoodie, talking about brand approving. Toast on the other hand was wearing a white long sleeve shirt and a black/grey bullet proof vest; though his vest appeared more stylish. Surprisingly the brit didn't appeared chilled by the cool breeze.

Johnny suddenly held up a hand to halt the three of them. "Wait, what's that?" Johnny then pointed over toward a shiny object laying in the dirt.

Colon was the first to take a step up, and he approached the object. After a few pain staking seconds, Colon stood up and turned to them, holding up a beautiful silver watch. "What's this doing here?" He questioned, holding up the watch for them to see.

Toast was the first to drop his guard as he approached Colon to take a closer look at the watch. "It looks to new to be out here. It also looks expensive." He observed aloud.

Spooker knew something was wrong. Ghost dropped his guard mildly as well and warning bells in Fred's mind went absolutly berserk. Now on edge, Fred glanced around.

Toast wasn't even three steps towards Colon when a huge wave knocked the four investors all backwards from each other, separating them all out by at least 2 to 3 yards. (Or 6 to 9 feet in case you wanted to know.)

Spooker felt the oxygen in his lungs instantly leave him as he laid flat on his back. Lifting his head up ever so slightly, the red head could see Toast getting back onto his feet, Ghost just sitting up and then Colon still laying on the ground like he was.

In the middle, he could see a very familiar face, along with hearing an all to recognizable voice.

"Ha! Ya'll think you can outlast what's coming? Boy you fellas are so wrong."

Finally sitting up, Spooker looked to gaze upon their attacker.

Maxwell held onto two hand guns, neither hand was free. A cigar hung from his lips and a cold looking smug smile was plastered on as an expression. "Now how's about you boys let old Maxwell finish you off right here and now. That'll save ya'll the trouble that's planned for in the future if you do try to fight back to live or something like that."

Spooker heard a single gun shot go off. That meant a direct fight with Maxwell. No more retreating, no more stalling. This was the real thing.

(Ok first, thank you all for reading this book. It means a lot, also please stay safe out there. This is quarantine and this stuff is extremely serious. So please, stay safe and stay frosty.)


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