Ch. 7 = First Error

68 2 0

Word Count - 1388

Time Skip = Next Morning
Ghost shifted in bed. He stretched himself out a bit before yawning and finally opening his eyes. He was greeted by the blinds being open and sunlight pouring into the room. The smell of coffee, bacon and pancakes was in the air. The smell alone, coaxed Ghost into getting out of bed that morning.

With a look to the left, Ghost could see Toast's bed, which was already made and neatly done. Lord, the man was perfect in everything he did. Did he even try, or notice?!

Ghost currently wore what he fell asleep in, which was just his usual hoodie and blue jeans. He staggered to the door, finding it to have a small crack in the opening instead of being locked on the hinge. That must have been Toast.

Quietly, Ghost staggered downstairs, yawning and rubbing his eyes. "Hello?" He asked once he reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Oh, good morning sir!" Toast greeted. He was fully dressed and ready for the day. He stood in the kitchen, hovering over a pan of bacon. "Colon and Fred are still asleep in their room. I'm not sure if you wanted to know, but I still said, just in case."

Ghost felt himself smile. He usually never had anyone tell him what other people were doing. "Thank you Johnny, I appreciate it."

Ghost saw Toast nod before he turned and went into the living room, seeing that the news was on. It was speaking about some robbery that had taken place last night.

The man on screen had blood running down the side of his head, and bright glowing green eyes. He looked faintly similar to Johnny, but he didn't look as friendly or nice. Ghost flinched when he saw the name. Gavin Toast.

Ghost looked back at Toast. "Johnny, do you have siblings?"

The brit flinched slightly, turning off the pan and looking at Ghost, then to the T.V. "Oh lord... yes, sir. That is my older brother Gavin, then I have an older sister who's a cop." Toast threw his hands on his head. "That tosser's gonna feel mum's wrath if she finds him!"

"Your brother, Gavin. What does he do? I-If-" Ghost quickly added. "If you don't mind me asking of course!" 

Toast gave a heavy sigh. "My brothers always been a trouble. He's been to jails, and even prisons before. He deals macaroni, saying that he's some kind of god. Bloody insane he is."

Ghost flinched. "Macaroni?! Like, the drugged stuff right?"

Toast nodded. "Yes, unfortunately."

A yawn came from the stairs. "Hey guys, what's for breakfast?"

The brit and american both looked over to the stairs, seeing Colon in a hoodie and sweatpants. He still had his beanie on and he was rubbing his eyes.

The two sighed, before Toast spoke up, putting on a smile.

"Bacon, eggs, cereal and toast with jelly or butter."

Colon smiled brightly, his eyes lighting up. "Sounds good to me."

Toast led the way into the kitchen, Colon and Ghost following hungrily behind. Spooker was the last the join them.

Time Skip = 2 hours later
Spooker quickly ran down the haunted home's stairwell breathing heavily. This was part of their plan, it was to get the ghosts attention, but apparently they had miscounted the number of entities present. And now they were all split up. Great!

Spooker continued running down the narrow hall. "Ghost?! Toast!? Colon?!" He cried out. "Where are any of you?!" The screams of entities following him got louder, causing the poor man to scream out in terror.

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