Ch. 8 = The other side

73 1 8

Word count : 1112

Gavin rewatched the footage over and over again. These four were good. They hadn't even known each other for even a week and they still worked better than most villains when the time came for it. It must be some, nerd connection or something weird like that.

Gavin gave a huff, before speaking. "I don't know killer, I don't think we'll be able to trick them."

Casket scoffed from the massive jewel. "Their all too stupid and trusting to not fall for this."

Maxwell spoke up from the silence. "You sure this is gonna work? They seem pretty... close, if you ask me. Especially for people who are still pretty new to each other."

Gavin merely scoffed, his arms crossed over his chest. "I'm afraid killer, that you've underestimated my brother. Trust me, it's a mistake I've made too many times. This plan will fail and you'll be stuck in that jewel for even longer."

Jimmy merely laughed. "Aww... but you overestimate Ghosty. See, he's pretty dumb."

Gavin and Maxwell merely shared doubtful looks with each other before Gavin cleared his throat. "Anyways, you still haven't told us what the plan is, Casket."

Jimmy let out a scoff. "Please, calm your royal self. I'm getting there."

Person Switch

Ghost was sitting on the couch in his shared apartment. He had a cup of coffee in his hands and was watching Spooker and Colon v.s each other in a video game. Both were sitting on the floor.

Toast was merely typing away at his Mini laptop in an armchair, editing some of the files on the ghost they had encountered and dealt with.

Colon and Spooker's little match ended with Colon being victorious. He threw his hands in the air, still with the controller in them. "Yeah! Victory is mine!"

Spooker slumped in defeat. "Dang it!" He groaned.

Ghost merely smiled wordlessly, taking another drink of his coffee as he watched Spooker and Colon's reactions.

Toast glanced up from his laptop. "So, what game is that?" He asked, saving what he was doing then shutting down his device.

Spooker smiled and looked at the brit. "Call Of Duty, it's a first person shooter."

Toast paused and took a moment before nodding. "Ah, I see. So the goal of the game was to see who could take out who with a certain amount of equipment?"

Colon blinked. "Uhhh... yeah! You pretty much have the concept bro."

Ghost looked at the British man. "Have you ever heard of a video game Johnny?"

"I have I swear! I just haven't seen people play a type of game like this." Toast stated, defending himself.

Ghost merely snickered, setting his coffee cup down on the small coffee table that was in front of him. "I'm messing with you, Toast."

The group of four merely started to laugh for no apparent reason.

Fast Forward : Past A Load More Investigations

Colon let out a hiss in pain as Spooker continued to clean the deeper phantom wounds in his arm. He forced himself to hold his arm in place though. Colon was sitting on the couch in their apartment while Spooker was kneeling on the floor in front of him, holding a softer like wash cloth with warm water and bandages.

The red head looked up at the other male, giving him an apologetic look. "Sorry." He said meekly before continuing. Trying to be as gentle as he could whilst still being effective.

Colon shook his head, shutting his eyes tightly. "Ah... no, your fine. That phantom just got me good."

Sitting next to Colon was Ghost, grumbling incoherently as Toast silently treated his wounds as well.

Ghost was more disappointed that one of his partners and himself got bested by some entities. He hated when he had to go through some kind of recovery process. He just had not time or patience. "Stupid entities and their large numbers." He muttered.

Toast continued to wrap the boss' arm, thinking to himself. "The ghost counter has got to be one of the most inaccurate devices I have ever seen and used. Its said there were less ghosts than there actually are."

Colon merely chuckled. "Heh... maybe our ghost counter is possessed by something."

Ghost suppressed a wince but looked at Colon and replied. "If it is, I'm personally smashing it with a sledge hammer for all the unnecessary pain it had caused us."

Spooker chuckled and grinned at that comment. "I'd pay five bucks to watch you do it."

Toast gently set Ghosts arm down to signal that he was done wrapping his arm, he then placed his hands on his lap still on his knees on the floor. "Well we should probably figure out if it's actually malfunctioning or not. Then if it is then we can smash it."

Colon looked at the other three. "What if it exploded?"

The other three in Colon's group gave one, simple answer. "No!" In a frightened and startled kind of tone.

Person Switch

"Well killer. It appears that they are starting to notice the pattern of their devices not working." Gavin said in a sly tone, turning to the gem Jimmy was trapped inside.

The rouge prince could hear Casket yell out in anger and frustration.

"Its not my fault that that idiot Ghost is always around your bratty little brother Gavin!" The killer hissed in protest.

Maxwell had his arms crossed. "What's that supposed to mean? You said you could take control of Ghost whenever."

"I could. But ever since he started being around that other Brit, it's like he's gotten a mental boost or something." Jimmy hissed, the gem glowing a dark and angry kind of color.

Gavin gave a huff, giving the killer a smirk. "Are you sure its not just a crush that's holding you back?" He asked slyly.

"Why would I even be remotely interested in an idiot such as Toasty?" Jimmy said with a clear sound of repulse.

"Because you always shut up whenever he shows up in the video feed." Gavin shot back.

Maxwell groaned. "If y'all are gonna keep talking like school girls, then I'm leaving. I'll show you both how to finish off these ghost hunters." He muttered, before floating off the floor and drifting off.

Gavin watched the cowboy leave, before grinning. "Well killer. I'd love to stay and argue more with you. But I honestly have better things to be doing than trying to finish off my little brother. As much as I hate him, I just don't find him worth my time right now."

Jimmy said nothing as the British prince turned and walked off, disappearing into the shadows.

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