Ch. 2 = Meet Up

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Word Count : 1580

First thing at 9 am was the add Johnny Toast's number into Ghost's contact list. Ghost was half expecting the paper to be completely a fraud, but it wasn't. Johnny Toast genuinely wanted to be his friend. That was honestly a first.

"Watch this be completely fake. All this fake hope. Its gonna be so funny to see you cry again!"

When Ghost unlocked his phone, he was surprised to see he had several texts from Spooker. Some questions, some random cat pictures and some other memes. What Ghost really expected from Spooker via text message.

"Ugh. Why do you still hang out with that loser?"

Spooker was one of the first people Ghost had met and actually made him feel normal.

Fred had been the real one to get Ghost off the ground and back onto his feet, weather that be giving him a place to sleep when Ghost couldn't afford an apartment, or when Ghost couldn't seem to get out of bed. He had always been there.

Ghost smiled at his thoughts, adding Toast's number and then opening Spooker's messages he had never opened prior.

"Heya Fred."

"Oh! Hey Ghost! How've you been?"

"I've been doing alright. You won't beleive what happened."


"Yesterday, David was following me. So when I told him to go away, he went to punch me."

"Oh my lord are you alright?! Do I need to call the police?!"

"No no no, I'm fine. But before David could hit me, someone else saved me!"

"Ooooo! Did you get a name?"

"He said his name was Johnny Toast."

"You both have the same names!"

"Yeah, I'm gonna send him a text to try and meet up with him later today."

"Ooooo, is he your new boyfriend~?"

"Spooker! No! I literally just met him yesterday!"

"Ok ok, surrrrreee. You have fun."

Ghost felt his face heat up. He exited off of Spooker's messages and opened a new conversation with Toast's number. Taking a deep breath Ghost built his courage and sent a text.

The voice once again fell silent.

"Hello, this is Johnny Ghost."

"Ah! Hello sir! Awesome, I got your number. I'm going to add you to my contact list."

"So, do you want to meet up later today?"

"We sure can sir. I don't have any plans today. Where would you like to meet?"

"Um. How about the park downtown? Would that work? Around, 11?"

"That works. Excellent! I shall see you then."

Ghost could hardly contain his excitement. His friend group was going to possibly grow to three! Wait, now that he says it to himself again, it sounds super sad and depressing honestly.

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