Ch. 4 = Three grows to four?!

80 2 0

Word count : 1324

Spooker moved the last empty box into the second room in Ghost's apartment, smiling brightly to himself.

"Welp! There we go! The last box had been successfully moved!" Ghost announced happily once they were both downstairs.

"You're gonna become defective."

Spooker sighed in relief, gladly plopping down on the couch. He was finally out of the hostile environment that was his old home.

Ghost sat down next to Spooker. "So, any word on what happened with your parents?"

"Erk- you're making me sick with the concern-."

Spooker shook his head. "Nope. I think I roughly remember some talk about my dad going to an anger management facility and my mom learning how to hold a job, work and take care of herself. I think they'll be alright though."

Ghost smiled. "That's good to hear."

"Stop being a sappy idiot. You're already becoming defective Ghosty."

Spooker sat up straight. "So have you texted Toast yet?" He asked, his curiosity peaking once again.

At the mention of Toast, the voice went quiet.

Ghost nodded. "Actually yeah. I asked if I could introduce you to him, and he said said he wanted to introduce someone to us as well."

Spooker cocked his head to the side. "Oh? Did he give you a name on this other person?"

Ghost shook his head. "No not yet. I asked, and he said he wanted it to a special introduction."

Spooker shrugged. "Alright. What time?"

"At three. Toast said he could do the introduction then."

Fred gave his boss a thumbs up. "Cool."

It was only noon, so they both had three hours. Spooker had gone upstairs to his room to take a nap and get some sleep for once.

Ghost had also gone to his room to try and tidy up.

"You're so messy all the time! You don't even have different outfits. Its just white T-Shirts and then your singular grey hoodie with your buissness' logo on it."

Ghost grumbled slightly, grabbing a basket and tossing all his white shirts that were laying on the floor, and that still fit him, in the basket so he could wash them later. "Shut up... you wouldn't be any better at this than I am." He muttered to himself. Sorting through all the different sized shirts. He'd go search through his drawers to find pants after.

"Psh. As if. I would so do better."

"Ok wow. Can you shut up and let me work in peace for once?" Ghost hissed.

"Aww. You're no fun." The voice shot back.

Ghost picked up a trash bin and threw all the disgusting, old and small shirts inside. "Hey, this is me trying to sort out my- our, life, body and home."

"Whatever. You're acting like a mom."

"What's wrong with that?" Ghost walked outside to place the plastic bag full of shirts at the curb for the garbage to pick up.

"Its stupid and weird."

Ghost scoffed at the childish comment, walking back inside. "Like you?"

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