Ch. 10 - A Battle Commences

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Word Count : 1488

Laughs in "Having slowly fallen back into the Venturiantale fandom"

Toast Pov 
Toast gasped for air as he staggered onto his feet. The blast wave that had knocked him back was a powerful one, much stronger than any other entities they had faced. 

Toast had also heard the first gunshot go off, signaling that the fight was now in full swing. 

Bringing himself to look up and reevaluate his surroundings, Toast counted off the three heads of his group. 

Colon was still on the ground, appearing to have difficulties pushing himself up. He must have taken the brunt force of the blast- Toast deduced. 

Spooker was in a better position than him at first assessment. He was holding just his upper body up off the ground using his arms for leverage and was seemingly getting back up. 

The Brit's blue eyes shot over to Ghost. 

Ghost was the only one who had gotten right back up after being knocked down. He had his salt gun grasped in both hands and had it aimed at Maxwell. 

Toast watched his leader pull the trigger once again. The firearm went off with a bang

Faintly, Toast could hear the pained hiss and grunt of the cowboy entity but he paid it no mind. His own hand reached down and grasped for his own salt gun, which it found in its holster where it always was when he went on missions like this. 

Pulling the weapon out of its place, Toast expertly brought it up with the barrel of the gun pointing to the sky- cocked the upper head of the firearm back, flicked off the safety, found Maxwell- aimed- and fired. 

The echo of the shot caused Toast's unprotected ears to ring. But he hit his intended target. 

Maxwell coiled back, yelling out in anger, irritation and frustration. 

After the two ring leaders of PIE got their fair share of shots off him, Maxwell brought his own hands up that had his own pistols in them and pulled the triggers one after the other. 

"Get down!" Ghost yelled as he leaped out of the way towards the beginning thick of the tree line. 

Toast yelped as dust splashed on the ground by his feet. Jumping up, Toast also leaped out of the way and towards the forest tree line to duck behind one of the trunks. 

The tallest PIE member grunted as he fell to his knees behind a tree trunk. Chunks of bark shot everywhere as Maxwell continued to take turns trying to hit one of them. 

"Come out here and face me like men!" The cowboy taunted, firing another set of rounds. 

Toast exhaled through his nose, taking deep breaths as he did his best to calm down and assess the situation further. 

Maxwell currently had him and Ghost pinned down just in the tree line, he knew that. So if Maxwell's attention was currently on them- and his history of being horrible at multi-tasking still lived on after his death- then he had forgotten about Spooker and Colon. 

With a sudden spark of an idea, Toast broke his focused and concentrated facial expression with a wicked grin. 

"Man," Toast called out above the gunfire. "You really suck at this, Maxwell!" 

Keeping himself pressed against the trunk of the tree, Toast could hear the cowboy scoff. 

"Like you do any better, ya redcoat!" 

Toast lightly chuckled, clinging onto the butt of his salt gun with his index finger resting just along the side of the barrel. "Oh we're playing that game are we, you bloody Yank?" He sassed back. 

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