Ch. 6 = The Team

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Time Skip = 2 weeks
Everything had been moved in. Colon and Toast had moved in and were now properly set up in the apartment. During that time Ghost had finally managed to come up with what each member did to help the group out.

Spooker was the communicator and extra gunman. He could easily speak with ghosts but he could also use the equipment to become some extra fire power.

Toast could identify entities and keep track of what was what. Ghost had also figured out that Toast had a strong mental state and physical strength. That would be good against ghosts who like to possess people and other things.

And now Ghost knew that Colon could banish entities and get rid of huge swarms of ghosts, but at the cost of energy.

Ghost smiled to himself as he finished organizing the kitchen for a better work space. Everything was falling into place. They had reset the kitchen and rearranged so that it could fit people at the counter to eat. Then there was a big table in the middle of the dining room for their work.

The living room had also changed. The T.V was against a different wall and the couch was moved so it was properly facing the T.V and other chairs.

Johnny looked around and at all his friends.

Colon was watching a sports channel on T.V, cheering on his favorite team.

Spooker was inside the kitchen, making cookies.

Toast was sitting in an arm chair, typing things on a laptop.

Ghost took a deep breath and smiled to himself, then silently headed upstairs and to his shared room with Toast.

As soon as he had shut the door behind him, he went and threw himself on his bed, grinning from ear to ear. "Heh, suck on that Casket."

"Oh don't be so cocky you idiot."

"It just sounds like your straight up mad." Ghost shot back to the voice quietly.

"You asshole, you better respect me. I'm the reason you're alive." The voice snarled.

"Right, the thing is, I dont know you. So it didn't happen."

"Oh you think you're so high and mighty now that you've got the hottest man on the planet, a necromancer and a nerd backing you up. But just you wait, you'll be knocked off your throne." Casket snarled.

Ghost scoffed, going and laying on his stomach and holding his pillow close. "Whatever. You don't scare me like you use to."

"That's because their backing you up. But what if they weren't there? Huh? You'd be alone again."

Ghost frowned, resting his head down on the pillow he was hugging. "I won't ever be alone." Ghost shut his eyes, feeling his face flush at the thought of Toast. "I've got him."

Eventually sleep over came him, the smell of cookies lingering in the air.

Person Switch
Gavin Toast quickly sprinted down the darkened street breathing heavily. The sounds of police cars closed in. He merely laughed as he shot around a corner and disappeared into the shadows.

Gavin, once he knew it was safe, laughed and flipped a gem up and down in his hand. "Ha. Too easy. Maxwell, buddy, gotta try harder."

Maxwell appeared in front of the rouge prince. "Oh shut yer mouth you royal brat. Not all of us are gods like you."

Gavin brushed himself off, brushing the dirt off his dark blue sweatshirt. "Unfortunate for the whole of humanity. Being a god is fun." He teased.

Maxwell only scowled under his breath as Gavin gave him a cruel smirk.

Maxwell took a deep breath, before suddenly his attention averted to the gem inside Gavin's hand. "Uh, dude?"

The god looked at Maxwell. "What now?" He asked, sounding annoyed.

The southerner pointed to the gem.

Gavin looked at the gem, flinching. There appeared to be some kind of different reflection of another person. "What the..."

"Can you hear me now?" Someone asked.

Maxwell looked around while Gavin merely nodded, eyeing the jewel with suspicion.

"Yeah, who are you?" Gavin asked.

The person talking from the jewel merely chuckled. "Names Jimmy Casket, the world's most renown killer. And I finally managed to get your attention."

"Wait, how'd you get to the jewel?" Maxwell asked, confused.

"Its my secret. Now, I need a favor from both of you." Jimmy replied.

Gavin held the gem in his hand, tilting his head. "Oh? The most renown killer needs help from the likes of us?"

"What's in it for us? Do we get cash Outta this?"

Gavin shot a slight glare at the southerner, before looking back at the gem. "Yeah, Casket... why should we help you? Or why should we even consider this?"

From the gem, both Gavin and Maxwell could see the murderer grin wickedly. "Because I know who you both want revenge against."

"Which is who?"

"The organization called P.I.E. They call themselves ghost hunters."

This is what caught the gods attention. "I think I faintly remember my stupid brother joining some weird group called something like that."

Maxwell suddenly flinched. "Johnny Ghost needs to die!"

Jimmy only laughed. "Ya see, that's my problem. I'm simply a voice to Ghost, nothing else. I'm stuck in his head and I. Want. Out. Help me, and you both will get the revenge you've always wanted against them and their organization."

Gavin paused, taking another moment. His brother was overly annoying, and that dumb little company corrupted his brothers mind on how to view ghosts and other entities. "... How do you know this, killer?"

Jimmy only smiled. "Because I know everything their going to ever do. I am in their boss' head right? I can hear, everything. So, you with me or not?"

Maxwell raised his hand. "You sure know I am."

Gavin took a heavy sigh. "Oh, alright. What's the first thing you want us to do, oh leader of ours?"


Word Count : 985

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