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We had been here at the restaurant for almost a hour before Janet and the girls walked in. I didn't know they would be but I guess its something important if the whole family is here. Janet smiles when she sees us but she still has a look of confusion on her face.

"Yeah she's not here. It's also a surprise to see you guys here."

"It's a surprise to see you here too G. Ma just said we were coming to meet mom, but it's nice to see all of you too." Jaelyn said as she sat down. The girls aren't identical so it's very easy to tell them apart. Besides that they are very different personality wise. Icelyn walked in more like limped in, kissed all the children and sat down across from Janet.

"Hey, everybody. I know you guys are wondering why we are here for dinner... together. I'll just keep this short and sweet, we are moving out and in with Toni for a month until I find us an apartment. You guys aren't dumb or too little to know why i'm leaving. I am-." I cut her off.

"Pregnant! I asked you earlier and you said no, why?" Icelyn scrunched her face up rolled her eyes at me. "No Toni i'm not pregnant. I am being abused and I can't stay in that environment for much longer." I looked at all of the kids and they weren't amused seems as they already figured it out.


We aren't dumb okay

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We aren't dumb okay. We knew for the longest that she was being mistreated, we just never spoke on it besides she's grown enough to know when a situation isn't right.....took her long enough though. I'm the daughter that speaks her mind a lot, everything I say comes of funny though, so you must imagine I get cussed out a lot. (Ma or mom is Janet and mother or momma is Icelyn)

"Well where's that waiter, i'm thirsty and the tea you though you spilled wasn't hot enough." I mumbled. and Jaylah nudged me. "What was that Jaelyn?"

"Oh nothing mother i'm just hungry. We didn't eat lunch because ma was cleaning the kitchen all day." Mom choked on nothing but air because we haven't been served yet and looked away. "You okay?" Jaliyah asked as she patted her back. She nodded her head yes.

"The kitchen needed to be clean." I side eye her. "From what you don't cook." We all laughed except her of course and I kept my gaze straight ahead, no need to be cussed out in public.


We had just placed our orders for dinner and we were just sitting in complete awkward silence

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We had just placed our orders for dinner and we were just sitting in complete awkward silence. So I decided to get the adults riled up.

"Y'all know Seven is about to make you guys grandparents and you a great grandmother." Everyone's eyes widened more so in fear then in shock. "Jay just messing with y'all. Why you always gotta play?"

"I'm not playing.... Imani told me yesterday." I had all eyes on me. As you can tell i'm the one that loves to play even when it could cost someone's life. Seven ain't getting nobody pregnant anytime soon, especially his girlfriend she's very serious about her future.

Seven was terrified, shoot I would be too. Janet Jackson isn't the sweet mother y'all thought she would be, I mean she is butttt when she's disrespected or disobeyed.... run. Now Icelyn is usually the one to protect us but when there's a baby involved I don't know much about that.

"Seven is she playing or is she telling the truth?" Seven looked like he was rey shit his pants so I decided to save him. "I'm just playing. The silence was killing me."

"So you decide to kill me instead." I shrugged my shoulders and took a sip of my drink.


Im the quiet one, don't get me wrong imma step when needed but I like to be quiet

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Im the quiet one, don't get me wrong imma step when needed but I like to be quiet. With quietness comes invisibility and with that I can see any and everything. For instance my mothers last night, this morning, and right now. Don't get me wrong I definitely threw up last night, but I need to know what's going on.

"Ma?" She looked over at me. "Yes liyah."

"If I asked you a question would you answer it honestly?" She nodded her head yes. "You and momma getting back together? Is that why they moving in with with G?"

When I asked the question everyone froze.

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