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Icelyn has never been so tired a day in her life. She's been up for 24 hours taking care of a four year old, a three week old, herself and DeAndre. It was seven o'clock at night and Seven, Icelyn, and Syx were all upstairs in the bed sleep until Icelyn heard the door slam. She got up and went downstairs to greet DeAndre.

"Hey baby, how are you feeling?" She rubbed her eyes and went to kiss him when they pulled away he walked into the kitchen. "I'm tired I haven't slept in so long I was lucky to get a nap." He went to to look in the microwave and something inside of him changed.

"Where's dinner?"

"Either at the store or in the freezer still."

"And why isn't it cooked?" He shut the microwave and turned around. "Because you haven't cooked it." Icelyn was leaning on the island in the middle of the kitchen. "Don't play with me... why the hell isn't dinner fixed?"

"I'm not playing, I'm tired so there will not be a home cooked dinner tonight, we can order out." She went in the drawer and pulled out a carry out menu. "I don't want no damn Chinese food." He snatched the menu out of her hand and slammed it down on the island.

"Okay, okay we can find something else let's look." She went to walk back to the drawer but she slung her into the wall. "No! I want you to stop being lazy and fix dinner. NOW!"

Icelyn tried to get off the wall but she couldn't because she was in pain."Stop yelling you are going to wake my children up." He grabbed her by the neck and lifted her up off the ground and looked into her eyes. Her eyes were turning red and she was scratching at his hand to get him to let go.

"What do you mean your kids? So you're saying that Syx isn't my baby? Huh? Speak bitch."

"I-I-I can't b-b-breathe." He let go of her neck and she dropped to the ground. She grabbed her neck coughing uncontrollably trying to catch her breathe. "Answer me bitch!"

"S-s-she is, she's yours I promise." He walked past her kicking her in her side while going into the living room. "Fix my dinner I'm hungry. I was at work all day to come home to nothing!" Icelyn got up and followed him into the living room.

"So what I do isn't work?" Icelyn wasn't the type to back down from anything even if that meant she would get her ass beat. "No, no it's not."

"So sitting here taking care of your daughter isn't a job? It isn't hard work?"

"No you're not getting paid for it." He got up and walked over to Icelyn and they were staring in each other's eyes. After a minute the back of his hand connected to her face and she let out one of the worst screams. She fell done on her side and he pushed her over and punched her over and over in the eye.

"Ahh! Stop... s-s-stop."


"Get off of me!"


"DeAndre please stop... stop!"

"I'm not him baby, come one... come back he can't hurt you ever again." Janet and Icelyn were sleeping in because the kids finally went back to school and they needed some rest, but Icelyn was having a nightmare. She jumped up and pushed away from Janet almost falling off the bed.

"Baby calm down it's just me." Icelyn looked at Janet and when she realized who I was she lunged at Janet and didn't want to let her go. "Baby I was alone for so long. Lost for so long, I just don't know what I'm going to do without her."

"You're going to live that's what you're going to do because that's all you do." Janet wiped her tears and held for until she fell back to sleep. When Icelyn fell asleep Janet got up and got ready for the day even though she wouldn't be going anywhere. When she stepped out of the shower she could hear someones phone going off. She ran into the room and picked it up before Icelyn could wake up.

"Hello?" It was Toni. "Janet? I thought I called Icelyn." Janet laughed and walked into the bathroom and closed the door. "You did but I answered, she's sleep wassup?"

"I was calling to check in and ask about these babies she was talking about."

"Oh really.. she told you?"

"Yeah we kind of got into an argument the day before she went missing and I kept saying baby and she got mad and said its babies, but the real question is how many?"

"Ouu I don't know if I should tell you that I think I want you to find out when we have the baby shower. Yeah I like that idea." Toni laughed. "Whatever but the funny thing is it seems like the girls had no idea she was pregnant."

"Oh no they did they just didn't know it was more than one. Toni I really think I wanna do a video explaining everything me and Icelyn have went through finally letting it all out because I don't do interviews like some people I know."

"Yeah because all I see on tv or Instagram is you tonguing down Icelyn on the front steps to a church, but they are too stupid to realize that it's Icelyn."

"Not really Toni because she did have sunglasses on they got the picture from the side and she's pregnant-." Janet was cut off from Icelyn making a loud noise and then she called Janet's name weakly. "Hold on Toni." Janet walked out of the bathroom and sat the phone down on the bed. Janet walked around to Icelyn's side on the bed when she realized that she was hung over the bed.

"Icelyn what happened?"

"What do you think happened?" Icelyn asked with an attitude. "I don't have time for your attitude because you were just being nice to me. These hormones are killing me."

"Can you just help me into the bathroom." Janet picked Icelyn up and helped her to the bathroom. "Clean yourself up I'll call someone to clean this up because if I don I'm going to throw up too." Janet walked out of the room, "Joey come here please."

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