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The funeral was in three days and me and the kids will be flying out to Maryland tonight we would be meeting Cache there and staying with her at her house. Janet would be coming down the day of the funeral and leaving right after. She didn't want to take any chances but she did want to make sure that I would be okay. She and the kids will all be going back on the same day and I would be staying for an extra day I hadn't seen Caché or my aunts in a while.

I walked into Seven's room and he was listening to Say So by PJ Morton and Jojo. This boy's heart was really broken and I couldn't blame him he lost his first baby and his first love all in one day. I sat on his bed and pulled his covers down from over his head. "Baby you can't stay in this room all your life." He pulled the cover back over his head and didn't say anything.

"Your going to go crazy if you don't talk about it or at least try to be happy again. Look if you're not going to speak the least you can do is get up and make sure you're packed for the next four days." My phone vibrated and it was Toni saying she was dropping the girls back off because she was on the way to the airport. "You want to go let your sisters in or are you going to make me do it?" He pulled the covers up and threw on some slippers and went downstairs.

"ICELYN!" Janet yelled from the bedroom. "YES!" I didn't hear a response so I got up and walked into the hallway. "What Janet?" She came out of the room and was holding two black dresses up. "Which one?"

"Janet those dresses are too small to fit me so neither." She rolled her eyes. "There not for you silly, there for me I need to know which ones you like so something can cheer you up." I laughed. "I don't like either one, I prefer you naked."

"Ew ma, we're back home so please refrain from using that kind of language around us, you are hurting my virgin ears." Jaeyln was walking into her room with her bag when she over heard our conversation. "Shut up and go pack accordingly, it's warm here but when we get to Maryland it's going to be cold." The girls had never been to Maryland and have never officially met Caché so this would be fun.

"Why do we have to go?" I scrunched my face up. "What the fuck do you mean?"

"We haven't seen her in years so why do we have to go to her funeral?" I walked over to her slowly. "She was my mother and one of the only people to love me, she supported me through the toughest times, and is one of the main reasons I'm still alive. You might not have not seen her in years but she always has loved you and I'm pretty sure you did as well, so you're going because you love her and we need to celebrate her life." I punched her in chest and she stumbled back.

"Icelyn!" Janet dropped the dresses and came over to us quickly and pulled me back. "Now say something dumb like that again and the next funeral we will be attending will be yours." She shook her head fast and walked into her room and closed the door. "Icelyn you need to calm down we don't need the babies being born earlier than they already will be. Come and finish packing before I have to take you guys to the air port." We walked back into the room and Seven finally said something.

"Mom?" Janet turned around but I kept walking because I was tired of these children for the day. "Yeah Seven."

"Can I come with you to Maryland instead of leaving today? I just don't feel like faking being happy because I know for a fact they know nothing about what was going on." I looked at Janet and she looked at me. "Yeah Seven go take a nap or something I'll talk to you later." He left out of the room and shut the door on his way out.

"How you feeling?"

"I'm fine Janet."

"No your not, not from the way you damn near knocked her heart out of her chest. We don't put our hands on the kids Icelyn we might threaten but we don't abuse our kids and you know how I feel about that."

"Janet I think that's the damn problem, we don't DISCIPLINE the children that's why they are running around like they have no home training and its not abuse Janet." She scoffed at me and went into the closet. "What? What do you have to say?"

"Nothing.... nothing at all. We need to get going I'll go make sure the girls are done and have packed appropriate clothing you just be ready when I come back."

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