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I woke up in the closet of one of the bedrooms with the sun in my face. I looked over and saw Imani knocked out next to her was a phone whether it was hers or mine I couldn't tell. I reached for it and noticed that it was mine. I had over twenty missed calls and hundreds of texts from Imani's parents and mine.

"Oh shit! We weren't supposed to fall asleep. My mothers are going to fucking kill me." I didn't text or call the back because I didn't have the time to get cussed out. Before I could even wake Imani up she jumped up. "Ahh! Ouch baby!? Seven!"

"Yes baby I'm right here what's wrong?" She sat up against one of the shelves and clenched her stomach. "I need you to hold my hand baby it hurts." I crawled over to her and grabbed her hand. "Breathe baby we've done this multiple times." She shook her head no and wiped her tears.

"This isn't braxton hicks, baby!" She squeezed my hand and I yelped. "I think Deuce is ready to come out." I helped her up and walked her to the living room so I could find my keys. "Stay right here because I have to find my keys, we lost them last night doing gods know what."

"Please hurry baby." I ran through all of the rooms and finally found them in the closet of the bathroom. "SEVEN HURRY UP! AHH!" When I ran back into the room Imani was bent over gripping the door knob. "Okay baby come on I'm going to pick you up and take you to the car." When we got in the car I realized we were an almost an hour from home.

"Baby you think you can make it home?" She shook her head yes. "Okay well I need you to call my mothers and tell them you're in labor before we get to the house."

"Okay I'll call from my phone." When she reached for her phone she started to have a contraction, but she breathed through it and called my mother.

"Ms. Icelyn-" She cut her off and started screaming so Imani put her on speaker so I could hear. "Where the hell are you guys!? I told him not to stay the night! You are pregnant and we can't risk you going into labor without us being there! Then neither one of you answered the phone having all of us think something was wrong with you guys!"

"Ms. Icelyn that's why we're calling you- ouch ahhh fuck!"

"IMANI! What's wrong?!" I started to speak but Imani shook her head no. "Seven you're going to be mad."

"Why, why would I be mad?" She looked over at me and clenched her stomach. "I have to use the restroom, but I don't think I can wait."

"Well let me pull over- OH SHIT! Imani you just pissed in my car!" She started crying so I grabbed her hand and kissed it. "I'm sorry baby I didn't mean to yell at you." She yanked her hand away and placed it on the window and started screaming. "SEVEN IT WON'T STOP! I don't think that was pee!"

"IMANI SEVEN! What's going on!?" Imani calmed down started breathing with short breaths. "Imani woke up this morning yelling and she said she wasn't having braxton hicks so we got up and left, but just now I think her water broke and we are nowhere near the house."

"Why are y'all coming here?"

"Because we need to take showers, get the my clothes, and eat before she goes to the hospital, but there's a problem."

"What's the problem?"

"I'm about forty five minutes away and by time we get home the baby will be here."

"Well you better speed to the hospital and we'll bring some food and your clothes because from what you're telling me she won't be able to get an epidural." When my Mother said that Imani started crying. "Calm down baby we'll get there just hold on. Momma I'll call y'all when we get into a room."

It took me a hour to get to the hospital and thirty minutes for Imani to get into the room. "Yeah ma we are in room 243 she's sleeping right now they say she's nine centimeters."

"That fast?"

"Yeah they said all night she was in labor."

"I wonder what caused it?"

"Yeah me too.... just hurry."

3 hours ago

"He's so perfect!" Imani said as we stared at him while he laid next to her. "You did so good Imani." I said and kissed her cheek. "I just want to know why he slid out so easily?"

"Well Seven had a little bit to do with that last nig-" I covered her mouth before she could finish her sentence and kissed her. "Baby you talk too much."

"You didn't say that last nigh-"

"Thank you Imani for my son, you don't understand how much I love and appreciate you more than before because you gave me my son."

"I love you too baby."

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