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Janet and Icelyn made it to the hospital with in ten minutes and they took Icelyn back immediately. While they were back in the room Janet called Toni and Caché was already in the room. Icelyn was in the bed and holding onto the bed frame trying to pace herself and Janet was trying to comfort her by rubbing her back but it wasn't working.

Dr. Keys walked into the room smiling. "Hey guys, I see we are doing great in here! You don't have far to go at all you are eight centimeters dilated but I need to ask if the names are going to be the same so we can get certain things knocked out before all the chaos."

"Um actually they have changed for the boy its Jayden Eissa Jackson and for the girl its Sky Candice Jackson." Janet looked at Icelyn with a confused look on her face but didn't say anything until the doctor left. "Okay great! I'll be back in a few minutes to make sure you are actually good for vaginal birth or we have to do a c- section. "

"We changed the names?"

"I don't know about you but I can't hear Candice's name every day with out crying or wanting to cry so I just made it their middle names."

"I understand all of that but you could've at least consulted with me. I want to feel apart of the decision making." Icelyn caught an attitude with Janet and was tired of her complaining about everything. "What happened to whatever you do I'll be behind you every step of the way, huh?" Before Janet could answer Toni interjected she was standing in the doorway since they started arguing.

"Aye shut up both of you! This is supposed to be a quiet and intimate so we can bring two beautiful babies into the world and y'all are fucking it up. Janet either don't say a damn thing or comfort her. Any type of stress can still affect the baby and any emotion she feels they will feel when they're born." Janet left out of the room and Toni came in.

"Now what's going on between the two of you?"

"I went to lunch with Amber and pictures were taken and I came home to explain what really happened and we had a fight."

"Y'all fucked?" Caché chocked in her ice from that question. "Not in a longggg time but we have before."

"Did she know that?"

"No she didn't even know I had a girlfriend before her, Janet always thought she was my first, only, and last."

"You know if she knew all of this you wouldn't have went in the first place and all of this wouldn't be happening. You have her out here looking like and idiot after she dropped that beautiful video yesterday."

"How I didn't do anything wrong. I told her what it was and hugged her that was that. I don't give her any thoughts or hopes about us possibly getting back together because it's not going to happen ever again. I love Janet too much to leave her again or to ever hurt her again, but she obviously doesn't see that anymore."

"Can you blame her?"

"If that's the case then why did she agree to try this again? She's just wasting her time and mine if she doesn't see how much I love her."

"I do....love you and I do see how much you love me but you have to give me time, I can't forget everything we've been through in a matter of seconds." Janet walked back into the room and stood in front of Icelyn.

"We moved a little too fast didn't we."

"Yeah but that's life." Icelyn started to cry and Janet rubbed her back while Toni grabbed a towel and wiped her face. "It's going to be okay you guys will find a way....you always do."

"No, no I'm not crying about that, well yeah J am but I'm just in so much pain and I have to shit I just want this to be over." Janet ran out to find the doctor and when he came in he came with his nurses.

"I here you have to shit." Dr. Keys asked laughing when he walked in and Icelyn nodded. "Okay let's check it out."

"Okay guys it's time to deliver the newest Jackson's."

"Here is Sky Candice Jackson weighing in at 6 pounds and 3 ounces, and Jayden Eissa Jackson at 6 pounds and 6 ounces."

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