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To try and ease the tension between Imani and Seven we planned a dinner for everyone and hopefully Imani would stay the night because I'm tired of him moping around the house because he doesn't know how to be a man. Toni was coming and all of the girls were going to be there.

"Babe how you feeling?" Icelyn was slumped over the counter in the bathroom. "I'm not feeling well, I'm very nauseous and something just isn't sitting right in my stomach like I know something is wrong." I walked over to her and hugged her from behind so I could rub her stomach.

"So we should reschedule for another day?" She shook her head no. "Its only going to get worse Jay so no. I really love you you know that? Nothing about that is going to ever change." I kissed her on the cheek. "I love you too honey." She pulled away from me and went to throw up.

"What are you wearing?"

"A thousand wishes, is it bothering you?" She nodded her head. "More than bothering me its killing me please go shower before our nap." I rolled my eyes and got into the shower because I didn't need her throwing up on me today. When I got out she was already sleep in the bed so I put on my robe and wrapped my arms around her.


The girls and Seven were all downstairs cleaning the house because of the dinner later tonight and that was their punishment for acting out for the past few months but Janet and Icelyn couldn't be mad because they were barely around to watch their kids.

"I don't know why we are doing this shit! This is for Seven and his wife not us I don't understand why we are being punished." Jaeyln was tired of cleaning all day she'd rather be sleep or eating.

"We are all doing this because we all got caught doing something we weren't supposed to do. Y'all niggas fighting, having phone sex, breaking shit, and sneaking out." Seven said as he cleaned out the cabinet.

"And what were you doing? Oh that's right fucking Imani and getting her pregnant. You're an Idiot you know that, you're supposed to pull out." Syx had just joined the conversation because she was sick of hearing them fight. "We all fucked up okay, get over it next time don't get caught and if you do, don't snitch." Syx was cleaning the tables off.

"So we just going to ignore the fact that our moms are pregnant?" Jaliyah was just standing staring at everyone. "Not moms just mom... you know damn well Janet is not pregnant, but they sure did hide it well."

"I wish Seven could have did the same then we wouldn't be having this conversation or cleaning." Jaylah was staring directly at Seven when she spoke. "OKAY guys I know I messed up, but I don't need all the girls in my life hating me it's bad enough Imani hates me. I don't need y'all doing the same."

"We could never hate you we love you but you do dumb things. We too young to be aunts and I think you're the first Jackson to have a baby this young... congrats just wait till uncle Jermaine and auntie Latoya get ahold of this." He rolled his eyes but hugged all of his sisters and they finished cleaning.

3 hours later

Seven went upstairs to get Icelyn and Janet so they could eat. Before he entered he knocked remembering the last time he didn't. Janet came to the door in her clothes. "Y'all ready?"

"Why else would I be knocking on y'all door. Everyone is here and starving so come on guys."

"You must want to be slapped?"

"That only if you can catch me." Seven ran downstairs and went to sit down at the table. When Janet and Icelyn came down they sat next to each other next to Toni and Jaylah on the other side had Jaeyln, Jaliyah, Seven, Syx and Imani. It was a awkward dinner but good nonetheless.

"Imani you staying the night?"

"Yes Ms. Janet I am but i'll be leaving early I have work in the morning." Janet nodded her head and Seven looked confused. "Work when did you get a job babe?"

"A lot can happen when we don't talk huh? But my parents said I needed a job if I wanted this baby because they said they were done raising kids." He nodded his head. "But if you have me you don't need to do everything yourself."

"Seven you didn't talk to me for almost two weeks I needed to do something for myself for once." Icelyn cut them off because she felt they needed to have this conversation in private.

"Okay guys I think dinner is over you guys need to go talk about this in private."


Me and Imani went to my room so we could talk when we walked in she sat on my bed and looked irritated. "You said for once what did you mean?"

"I have always told you that I didn't want kids right now because I didn't want to be a statistic nor I did I want my kid to see me struggle. I also wanted to have a real family before I had a child you know a husband, a house , a stable job. I have none of that right now."

"You have me!"

"Everything I do is for you! I need to live for me do something for me for once and getting a job gave me that. I love you I do but you keep thinking the world revolves around YOU! It doesn't!"


"Your stressing me out I can't I'm going home." She tried to open the door but I pushed it closed and spun her around. I started to kiss her but she started to pull away, "I.. love..you." I picked her up and walked her to the bed.

"Your mothers are home." I kissed her neck and she let out a shaky moan. "I know be quiet." After a few rounds she was finally sleep and so was I. I know sex doesn't fix anything but we both needed it.


It was around 3 o'clock in the morning when there was a piercing scream coming form Seven's room. Seven shot up and looked over to see Imani crumbled up in a ball in the bed. She was shaking and crying. He tried to touch her but she screamed even louder than before.

"BABY WHATS WRONG!" She didn't answer him. "AHHHHH! PLEASE GO GET HELP! ICELYN OR JANET IT HURTS BABY IT HURTS!" She was now on her back rocking side to side. Seven was scared out of his mind but he built up the strength to run and get his mothers.

He ran as fast as he could and busted into the room. They were still sleep until Imani screamed again and this time they both woke up.

"What's wrong Seven?"


"Why are you screaming calm down!" Janet said but when Imani screamed again they both got up and ran as fast as they could to Seven's room. Imani was now in the corner of the room balled up.

"Whats wrong?" Janet went and knelt beside her and she screamed again. "It feels like someone is stabbing me from the inside and being ripped apart slowly."

"Cut the lights on so we can see." Icelyn turned the lights on and the scene before them was horrifying. "I feel like I have to push guys what's going on?!?!" Imani was crying hysterically and hyperventilating at the same time. "Seven grab her we have to go to the hospital IMMEDIATELY!"

"GIRLS WE'LL BE BACK!!" Janet screamed as she ran to the car. They were all watching in horror as someone three years older then them went through the worse thing in the world.

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