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"Y'all what's happening?" I was knocked out when all I heard was an ear piercing scream. When I got up Syx, Jaelyn, and Jaliyah were all standing by the door. "Somethings wrong with Imani." Syx said as she ran down the steps to watch them put her in the car.

"Yeah I was already up when I heard a scream I thought it was our parents but then I could hear her yelling at him." Jaliyah said. "What was she saying?"

"I couldn't really make out the words, but when I started to feel the ground shake and they all ran into the room all I could hear was 'I feel like I have to push'." I squinted my eyes at Jaliyah. "This is not the time for jokes.... have any of you went into the room?"

"Why would we go in there? Whatever was in there obviously was scary as hell." Syx said as she walked back into the room. I noticed that Jaelyn wasn't saying anything because she wasn't in the room.

"Lyn where you at?" I got up and went out in the hallway. I walked down to Seven's room and went inside the light was off causing me to jump once I heard Jaelyn. "I can't turn the light on."

"Jeez Lyn you scared the hell outta me!"

"My bad.... but my body won't let me turn the light on it's like i'm stuck in this spot." I walked over to the light switch and paused before I turned it on. "What the!" We both jumped back seeing the bloody footprints we were standing in.

"Oh my god! This is not good at all." Syx came walking in but Jaliyah was staring in from the hallway. "Y'all what happened?"

"Looks like a miscarriage to me." We all looked at Syx. "What are you a doctor?" We all said at once. "Okay listen she was what four months pregnant? Now what person goes into labor that early? Imani has all types of stress hitting her left and right from Seven to her parents and she was pregnant meaning too much stress could cause a miscarriage."

"I hope not because she didn't even want a baby and now this? You know how deviating that is... she's gonna hate Seven." Jaelyn said leaning against the door.

"What?!" Jaliyah said. "She's gonna think it's his fault because she was forced to have the baby." I said walking out the room. "No no that's not what I meant, I meant that she's going to hate Seven because she had her life set out that didn't have kids in it just yet."

They all followed me back into me and Syx's room. "Guys we need to leave call, TT and leave. This house is going to be to hostile and I don't wanna be in it when they get back. Imani's parents, Seven, Imani, Momma, and a pregnant mom. Hell no I refuse."

"I'm down." Jaliyah and Jaelyn said together. "Ard y'all a freaking me out with that shit but I'm in as well."

"Ard bet y'all let's pack a bag... or three and call TT."

"I'm not calling." Jaelyn said when she walked out to her and Jaliyah's room. "Why not?"

"Look at the time, she's going to be angry we're calling this damn early and we all know TT's beauty sleep is the most important." I rolled my eyes. "Fine i'll call, but y'all gotta cook when we get there... we don't need someone else dying."

"Ard Jay that was too far." They all said together.

For some reason I couldn't sleep something was wrong and I just couldn't put my finger on it. I tried to call Icelyn then Janet but their phones aren't straight to voicemail. When I tried to call again Jaylah called me.

"Hey Jay what's wrong?"

"You answered? The real question is what's wrong with you?"

"I can't sleep I feel like there's something wrong."

"There is and that's why I'm calling can you come get us from the house and we'll tell you when we get to your house." I jumped up. "Is it Icelyn or Janet?"

"No it's not we'll tell you everything later but as of now we need to go."

"I'm on my way it shouldn't take me long i'm only five minutes away be outside." I hung up and threw my ugg's and jacket on. I grabbed my keys, phone, and sunglasses and left out the room. When I got downstairs I noticed London wasn't working, but when I walked outside she was next to my car.

"Your stalking me?" She turned around and laughed. "Now if I tell you yes than you'll call the police."

"I don't think I remember your name." I said as I leaned against my car. "What a coincidence... I don't remember my name either. Look I expect to see you later since I'm paying for you to stay here."

"I didn't ask you to do that."

"Your right but I wanted to, I have to see about a family member but I'll see you later." We both got in our cars and I watched her drive off before I did too. When I pulled up at the house the girls were outside with their bags. Jaylah got in the front while Jaelyn, Jaliyah, and Syx sat in the back.

"So are y'all going to tell me what's wrong?" Syx was the only one to speak. "It's Imani."

"What's wrong with her?"

"Well we don't know because they told us to stay home but uh she woke up screaming and when Seven went to go get help they all came back in his room and she said she felt like she had to push." My eyes widened as I stared at her in the rear view mirror.

"She's only four months right?" Syx nodded. "Yeah so we don't know what happening we just had to get out of that house before anyone came back.

"I understand... y'all want some breakfast?"

"No!" They all said in unison. I pulled up into the parking lot of the hotel and there faces turned up. "Why are we here?"

"About that..."

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