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"Ma she passed out... MA SHE'S NOT MOVING!" We were on our way to the hospital when Seven just started screaming out of nowhere. Imani had calmed down and stopped screaming and we just heard whimpers but after a couple minutes we heard nothing. "Son calm down you have to be strong for her right now, okay?"

"Everything will be fine I promise." I looked over at Icelyn when she said that and shook my head. "Promises are made to be broken ma, so I don't believe everything will be alright." My eyes went back on the rode running every red-light and going thirty over the speed limit. We pulled up to the hospital and we all jumped out.

"Ma go park the car and meet us in here we don't need you stressing or running after us." Seven told Icelyn. "No I'm going in she's like a daughter of mine."

"Look I'll park the car you both just go in." I didn't know if I could bring myself to walk in the hospital. This was the same hospital that I walked into with a baby and came back out without one. I got back in the car but instead of parking I went for a drive and ended up at the beach ten miles away. I got out and started walking and didn't stop until Icelyn called me.

"Were are you, you've been gone for two hours I know it didn't take that long to park the car."

"Babe I don't think I can walk in there again not after.."

"I know I didn't think I could either but I did." I frowned my face up. "Why wouldn't you be able to walk in." She paused a minute I heard her move from where she was originally standing at. "About fourteen years ago I got an abortion at this same hospital. You don't remember?" I palmed myself on the forehead and she spoke before I could. "Its alright it didn't happen to you."

"No that's not what I meant-." She hung up before I could finish my statement. I looked at the phone and threw it into the water and started walking back to my car.


I was waiting for the doctor to come and inform me of what was happening with Imani, they said it was okay for Seven to go back so I was just sitting and waiting for Janet and the doctor. I figured this would be a hard task for Jay but I thought it wouldn't matter because of the situation.

"Ma'am are you here with Seven Jackson?" The doctor tapped me on my shoulder and I turned around. "Yes I am, I'm his mother."

"I'm sorry but the baby didn't make it. She was in preterm labor and the baby had no chance of surviving and Imani barely made it. We believe the main cause was stress, she's stable and awake but she's not talking to anyone, she's barely moving. If you wanna go back you can." I said thank you and walked to the nurses station to ask for her room number.

When I reached the room I could hear crying but I knew it wasn't Imani. When I walked in Seven was holding Imani's hand and crying, but she was just laying there. "Hey sweetie..." She turned over to look at me. "I thought you said everything would be okay?" I had a confused look on my face because I swore she was unconscious when I said that. "I did because it will be, this happened for a reason."

"Don't give me the faith shit okay? If God really had my best interest at heart then he would've keep my baby here or I shouldn't have gotten pregnant all this shit is his fault. I wouldn't be laying in this uncomfortable ass hospital bed I would be home enjoying my fucking life. Instead I'm in this hell hole recovering from a miscarriage... a MISCARRIAGE! OUU I HATE YOU! Get out Seven... GET OUT SEVEN! I don't even know why you're still here go leave I don't love you anymore." I walked over to her and grabbed her hand but she snatched it away.

"You don't mean that sweetie." She turned to face the window. "Yes I do... I don't love him no more, get him out of here now please." Her voice cracked as she spoke. "Baby-."

"No you don't get to call me that anymore. We could've had a real baby and had a lil family but you fucked it up."

"Me? How did I? Last time I checked you're the one who woke up in the middle of the night screaming and crying for me to help you. You're the one that had the miscarriage not me."

"You wanna know why? Because you're the one who stressing me out every five damn minutes. If it wasn't yo momma it was you not being man enough. I never wanted this kid but then I loved the idea of us and a baby and grew to love the baby, but if I would've just stuck to my gut and got an abortion maybe we wouldn't be here."

"Don't talk about my momma!"

"Bitch please!"

"Don't be calling me no bitch."

"That's what you act like. You wanna know another thing maybe if you didn't fuck me last night we wouldn't be here or if you never fucked me, wicho weak ass!"

"I wasn't weak when I was your first."

"You did think you was my first didn't you, nah my first nigga knew how to pull out. Take a page outta his book and leave I never want to see you again." Seven stormed out of the door pushing past Janet. Imani was furious and I'm surprised she didn't kick us out of the room. "Can you guys please leave." She wiped her tears as she spoke. "I'm sorry you guys and thanks for getting me here but I want to be alone until my mothers get here."

"No problem sweetie." Me and Janet walked out and got on the elevator. "Whew child!"

"I didn't know she was that mean."

"She just had a miscarriage she's depressed right now, you know how it was... we both do, but she'll get better."

"I don't think I ever did though Ice."

"Your right, she'll just learn to deal with it because it just gets worse from here on out."

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