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I was six months pregnant and the kids still had no clue about it. We decided to keep it a secret from them until I couldn't hide anymore. I was very small just like I was with Seven so it wasn't a shock, we decided to tell the kids in a very cute way sometime this month, but right now I had to somehow tell Janet that she was almost a grandmother.

She was laying in her bed watching some movie on netflix and I thought this would be a nice time to say something while she was calm and nobody was in the house.

"What it do babyyy!" I kissed her on her cheek, got under the covers, and snuggled up under her. "Why you always gotta play?"

"All I said was hi, you be on some bullshit sometimes Jay. I can't even come show some affection to my wife." I moved from under her and onto the other side of the bed.

"It's not that you can't show me affection it's how and when. You always do that shit when i'm enjoying myself."

"So you can't enjoy yourself with me in the room or next to you?" I got up walked into the bathroom and locked the door. Telling her about Seven and Imani was out the question now.

I know she didn't just come in here ruin my movie and lock herself in the bathroom. This pregnancy was messing with her hormones too much and I wasn't here for it at all. I got up and knocked on the door.

"Baby you know that's not what I meant at all. Come out and talk to me don't make this a big deal when it's not."

"So my feelings aren't a big deal to you? I thought you loved me." Oh lord here we go with this shit. "I do love you babe it's just i'm so used to being alone and relaxing when you come around it irritates me." Oops that didn't come out right. The door opened and she was pissed.

"So i'm irritating? Wow Janet your such an ass. Move!" She screamed and pushed past me and walked down the stairs. "I'm going to Toni's since I irritate you so damn much." I ran downstairs and pulled her into me. "Baby that's not what I meant to say it came out wrong. You don't irritate me you piss me off sometimes just how I do you."

"Yeah but do you hear me telling you that? No because I love you too much to hurt your feelings. Now please let me go before I slap you."

"Your not going to slap-." I was cut off by a very hard slap to the face causing me to let go of her and grab my face.

"Who am I not going to slap? Oh rd i'm gone don't bother calling either." She walked to the door and slammed it. Two minutes later I heard her speeding off. Damn. She hit hard as a bitch I can still feel the sting.

I was in the house on the phone with Trina when my front door slammed. I hadn't been able to talk to anyone in my family because I was too busy dealing with my own. It's crazy how I can go from being a mom of two to a mom of three with 6 grandkids, for now.

Icelyn walked around the chair and sat down on the far left side. I couldn't tell that she was crying until I heard her sniffle.

"Trina imma have to call you back something's not right."

"Okay Tone tell Ice I said hey." No one knew about her pregnancy except us three. She wanted it to be a surprise especially since no one knew that Janet and Icelyn were together again.

"Ice what's wrong?"

"Janet she hurt my feelings and I know i'm over reacting but it just showed how we can't jump back into a relationship after a twelve year hiatus. I thought we loved each other the same way we did before everything went to shit, but I guess not." She wiped her tears with her sleeve and laid across the couch. Her hormones have been the worse but hormones aren't the excuse for this. She was right but I guess they haven't had that conversation yet.

"That's not it what else aren't you telling me?"

"Nothing." Lies I know Icelyn if you don't tell her what she wants to hear or she doesn't get her way she did something. I gave her a stare and she finally told me. "I might've slapped Janet and left."

"You what?!"

"Slapped her, but that was only because she didn't move when I asked her too and she challenged me so I had to show her what it was."

"Was it hard or like a lil play slap?"

"It was a slap that hurt my hand. Speaking of which I need some ice this shit been hurting since I got in the car."

"You playing with me right? You did not slap your WIFE!?" She turned around looking at me while in the freezer.

"Girl please it's been worse things that happened. We've physically fought more times then I can count."

"Wowwwww. You guys are crazy."

"Crazy in love."

"Not the same thing, but back to this jumping back into the relationship after twelve years. You really thought it was going to be that easy? And to add insult to injury your pregnant with that mans baby... again. Things ain't never gonna be the same maybe better but obviously not for the next three months."

"I know but I feel like if we love each other like we said we did then all of this wouldn't even matter."

"You guys got used to other people for those twelve years how are you supposed to come back together after that."

"Other people? As far as I know Janet didn't have nobody." Oops I didn't mean for that to slip, they've always said if they had significant others and Janet didn't tell Icelyn about hers.

"I didn't say that. What I said was you had another person and got used to them so now you have to learn to love each other all over again."

"No no you said Janet had another bitch around my kids and didn't tell me." She was still icing her hand while talking to me.

"I didn't say bitch."

"Oh so it's a nigga, so a bitch ass nigga around my kids without telling me?" She put the ice down and grabbed her keys and stormed off to the door.

"Wait Ice what are you about to do? Don't do nothing stupid now." I ran after her and grabbed my coat and keys.

"Oh i'm going to do something worse then slap her ass."

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