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We were leaving the doctors office and as we were walking out of the door I noticed someone that looked a lot like Imani. I stopped walking and Janet did too.

"Babe is that Imani crying over there?" She asked before I did which was surprising since she can't stand her. "I thought so I'm going to go see." I tried to walk away but she pulled me back.

"No, what are you doing we have to go home the kids are there and this is a perfect time to tell them about their sister and brother."

"But it's Imani she's carrying my grandchild. You can go sit in the car and wait if you don't wanna check on the girl your son is in love with."

"Fine let's go." She grabbed me and drug me over to her. She jumped when she realized who we were. "Hi ouuu uhh Ms. Icelyn and Ms. Janet what are you doing here?"

"No the real question is why are you here you only come here for certain things and you said your appointment was tomorrow." She looked down at her hands and back up at me. "I just came to have a conversation with a doctor nothing serious." Me and Janet looked at each other and took a seat on each side of her.

"Look if you're here for something else just tell us because we won't judge or be angry because we just want the best for you. Me and Icelyn been through the same thing more times then we like to remember." My jaw dropped when I heard Janet say that.

"If you really don't want the baby don't get Seven's hopes up just to rip his heart out of his chest." She looked at Janet and nodded her head. "I understand that I do but he obviously doesn't just me or want this to work. He hasn't called, came by, or texted me. I understand why he was upset I told you first but that gives him no reason to leave us. What if he leaves us when the baby is really here?"

"You can't ruin your happiness because a man isn't in your life. I'm pretty sure you understand that right? If you're happy with your baby then keep it if not don't let Seven be the reason." She smiled at Janet and hugged her and she hugged back.

"Shot why you think I'm with Icelyn? Men just don't know how to respect us women." I looked at her and gave her a stare. "No seriously I know for sure he loves you and y'all little family I just talked to him, just give him sometime to come around, and if he doesn't then you never needed him in the first place."

"Thank you guys for understanding me my mothers would never be able to talk to me like this, they never really dated men so they don't understand them like you guys do." I frowned my face up. "What?"

"My mothers have been gay since they were born they know nothing about how men can do women dirty like Ms. Jackson." I started laughing at her because she was right and Janet's face was priceless.

"Are well imma head out thanks for this talk guys." Imani grabbed her bag and walked out of the office. "I know she didn't just.."

"She did and she was right sorry babe. Come on we gotta go home." I grabbed her and dragged her to the car.


We were finally back home and we were called for some family meeting. Seven was home surprisingly and was quiet as a mouse. I haven't heard from Imani in a while, which was weird because she was like a big sister to me. I was sitting on the counter in the kitchen when Jaliyah walked in to go to the refrigerator.

"What you think this all about? Got us meeting like we apart of the Braxton family." She laughed and drank some water. "I don't know we haven't done anything we barely been home for real." I scratched my neck and turned away.

"What did you do Jay? You got suspended again?" I shook my head no. "No of course.... not this time at least. I kind of broke something but they haven't said anything yet sooo I'm good for now."

"What did you break?"

"The window in the dining room." Her eyes widened. "What the hell were you doing child?"

"I was doing one of moms pieces of choreography and my foot went through the window, but if they ask we have no idea how it got like that." She nodded and walked away. "DONT BE A SNITCH LIYAH!" When she walked out Seven walked in.

"Hey loser why the long face? Imani finally dump you?" He looked up from his phone and walked over to me. "Don't talk about things you don't know Jaylah."

"Ouuu I'm scared!" He sat his phone down and started strangling me. "AHHH WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!!" Mom and Janet ran in and broke us up. "Seven what the fuck is wrong with you? Putting your hands on your sister let alone a female? I swear if Imani calls and tells us you hit her I will personally kill you myself do you hear me? You have been acting out lately because you think you're a man your NOT! Matter fact all y'all come in the kitchen we need to have a talk.... NOW!"


"I don't know what's gotten into you guys but it needs to stop immediately, we have Seven over hear making us grandparents and y'all aunts, then we have Jaylah breaking windows, Jaliyah sneaking out the house, Jaeyln fighting, and Syx messing with different boys. Oh y'all didn't think we knew? I know the game I invented the game babes! Seven you have Imani about to give us heart attacks every damn day because you were man enough to stick your dick in her but not man enough to listen to her."

"ICELYN! THEY ARE STILL KIDS CALM DOWN!" I had to cut her off because her language wasn't appropriate for the kids. "NO JANET THIS NEEDS TO BE SAID!"

"SYX you know what happens when you lay down with dogs you get up with flees look at me and your father! You're too young just because you're turning thirteen doesn't mean you run around like a hoe I have had conversations with you about the consequences. Jaliyah just because you're quiet doesn't mean you're invisible I see everything your not going to be happy until you get snatched. Jaylah next time be more careful okay and Jaeyln your too pretty to fight trust it gets old."

I had no idea of what my girls were doing and apparently Icelyn was full of it.

"YOU ALL ARE JACKSONS ACT LIKE IT!! We don't need the bad press and we are going to represent this family the best we can. I refuse to let Janets kids be worse then all the other kids. None of you will end up on theshaderoom and neither will we you got that?" They all nodded but she wanted a clear answer.

"I can't hear you!"

"Yes momma." They all said. "Your mother has some news to share with you. She looked at me and so did everyone else. "We're pregnant, surprise!"

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