Chapter 5

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        A few days later we finally found out what the new guy's name was and his name was Jacob. The five of us where snooping around town to find some survivors until we found this building that looked kinda new. I said to myself "How is this even possible" but I guess I said it a little too loud so Samuel said "What's even possible?" Then I said "That this building looks even better than my gas station that I stayed at for a while." "Wait I might know what happened" Samuel said. "My hammer that made any type of structure in seconds was stolen couple of days ago but it ended up on my workbench yesterday." "Well enough chit chat let's go inside" Darkrobe said. We entered the building but it had a Jacob vibe to it and it smelled like chili dogs in there. It also smelled like a dog. Then we saw the weirdest thing ever. We all said at the same time "OH MY GOD." All we saw was a sonic worshiping shrine with chili dogs on plates everywhere and dead hedgehogs on the ground. They all were chopped in half and painted blue. It was horrific to see even though I HATE HEDGEHOGS. Then there was a giggling noise in the background. It sounded like my creepy laughter but a little younger I would say about a year younger or so. Samuel said "Stop messing with me Rich I know it's you!" then I yelled "It's not me!!" The Darkrobe said "SURE!" Then the giggling stopped then there was a glowing a little ways away "Who has entered the sonic worshiping shrine. Have they finally changed their mind of worshiping our true lord and saviour SONIC!!!!" this weird guy said in a deep voice. Then he threw some robes and sonic masks at me and the gang. Then I threw a kunai at him and said "GOD IS OUR REAL LORD AND SAVIOUR!!!!" Then a hedgehog came flying towards me and the guy said "Are you dumb or are you dumb!!! you are part of us now you must listen to ME!" then all of a sudden I had this urge in me. Like I was ready to fling a boulder towards that guy. Then there was an earthquake of somesort. Then I remembered what Jacob said "They must find the power inside themselves." This must be what he was talking about! I also felt another weird feeling. Then I realized that I was just standing there, doing nothing while everyone else except Jacob was panicking. Then Samuel said "DUCK!!!!" Then I said "ooo I love ducks." "NO GET DOWN!!!!" samuel said then I ducked but when I did the earthquake stopped. "YOU HAVE MADE OUR GOD VERY ANGRY!" said the guy. "No you have made me very angry" I said in a low and calm voice.Then as I started to stand up again the earthquake started again. Then the biggest boulder Ive ever seen and i've seen a lot of rocks in my time because I collect rocks but the boulder was right outside the window of the building. Then the rock started to fly towards the building. Then the building collapsed and fortunately the gang and I got out safely and we took the sonic worshiping scum with us.

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