Chapter 20

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When we got down the stairs, we saw Poppy dragging Jacob inside. "A little help here?!" she yelled. "Ok, Darkrobe help Darkrobe with Jacob, and I'll check who shot him." I said. "Ok just make sure you don't get shot too, we don't want everyone to get shot now" Darkrobe said. "Ok then" I responded as I ran outside. When I got to the door, there was nothing but the usual bush, chair, and the giant gnome with a gun. "Wait a giant gnome with a gun?" I said. Then the yellow "Fear" blade started to glow for the second time today. "Oh it seems that the gnome magically shot Jacob. Let's see how strong the gnome is with a blade?" Then I started to run towards it with full force, Katana in hand. Then the gnome started to run away "I didn't know gnomes could run?!" yelled as I started to run faster and the blade grew brighter. Then the gnome tripped as the costume dropped on the floor. I somehow also fell but landed on something that broke my fall. "Is this the costume?" I asked myself. Then I realized... what I landed on wasn't the costume, it was the person that wore the costume. "Oh shoot! I'm so sorry for falling on you!" I said while getting up, forgetting that they were the person that shot Jacob. As they got up I realized, "A GIRL!?!??!" I thought but somehow said it loud enough for her to hear me. "Uh, yeah a girl." She said. Then the walkie that I somehow didn't realize on the costume started to speak "How's your mission going along Val?" "Um, can I answer that?" I'm guessing Val said. "Yeah sure." I said, still can't believing that I'm not hostile to her yet. "Ive been found, I'm sorry" She said in the walkie. Then the walkie started to yell "~AW COME ON, YOU HAD ONE JOB AND YOU MESS IT UP!~" "I'm sorry!!! I thought I shot the leader of the group, but he was inside!" 'Val' said to the walkie. "Ah hem, I'm still here ya know." I said in an impatient tone. "Oh! Well I think I need an apology. You fell on me you know." She said. "But I di-" I tried to say but I got cut off. "No buts, say sorry or you'll BE sorry!!" "Ok fine, I am really sorry that I fell on you eariler. There, better?" I said. "Yeah, close eno-" "RICHARD!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING OVER THERE YOU COULD HAVE ATLEAST TOLD ME WHERE THE MED-KIT IS!" Poppy yelled from upstairs. "You have someone hurt? Let me heal them, I had a C in Doctors school" Um, no its fine. Poopy's got it." I said. I inhaled and yelled "THE MED-KITS ARE IN THE MINI FRIDGE WHERE SAMUELS WORKSPACE IS!" "OK THANKS!" Poppy yelled back. Then I heard thumping on the stairs and Darkrobe appeared in the doorway. "Who's this? Your new girlfriend?" Darkrobe asked. "No, I just tripped on her." I responded. "Oh, also what's your name?' I asked the girl. "I'm sorry but I'm not supposed to say my name without permission." she said. "Hey! Who are you two!?" someone said off in the distance. Me and Darkrobe looked at who said it but there were two outlines, one was interesting, but the other looked familiar...


                                                                         To Be continued...

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