Chapter 19

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Me and Darkrobe said nothing as we were walking to base and when we got there, everyone had either had a surprised or a sad expression on their face. "What happened to Samuel!?!" Poppy yelled from the window looking down from the second floor. "Things" I said but after it was silent..... "Where is his body now?" Poppy asked now on the front porch. "Wait, I thought you were carrying him Richard!" Darkrobe said. "I'll be right back," I said. Then I booked back over to the Olive Garden Where it all went down. When I got there I started to look for Samuel but the thing was that I could not find him. His body was actually gone. Just gone, nothing, nada. Then bullets of sweat started to build up on my face. "Where the hell is he?" I asked myself. So I ran to Seven-eleven and got some drinks(and yes the fun type) and started to drink about 7 until I started to feel weird. So I just tried to do my best to get back to base while drunk. When I got back, I realized that I was still carrying a whole case of boos in my hand "I..-got drinks! W-who wants some!" I said, Then Poppy yelled from the couch "Me of course!" "I think we all need one by now," Jacob said from the couch. "Ok then...-Come get some~!" Then Jacob came and got two drinks from the container. After Poppy took the rest. "Thanks!" Poppy said as if everything was alright. A few minutes later The three of us are on the couch singing songs like the Barney theme and Elmo's world theme. Then Darkrobe came down stairs. "What-happen to y-you? You just woke up from your buit-y sleep?" Jacob said. "Well if you don't mind I'm trying to sle-wait where's samuel?" Darkrobe asked. "Oh-OH Samuel went poof." I told her. "Well could you atleast keep it down?" Darkrobe asked. "Ok fine" I responded. Then she went upstairs "I'm a go night night" I said to the other two drunk buddies then I fell asleep. When I woke up I was still on the couch. "What happened last night?" I asked myself. "You were drunk and fell asleep on the couch." Poppy said while sharpening her knife. "What are we doing today?" I asked, still a little startled. "well Richard what do you think." Poppy said to me while pointing her knife at me. ̈Well then, I said while pushing her dagger away from my face "WHAT are we going to do -ahem- poopy." while saying poopy quietly. While Poppy got up I faced her and asked what she was doing. She said she was just gonna get some fresh air so when he went out I got up and did a bit of scavenging. What I actually meant by going scavenging was going to dubble check for Samuel's body at the Olive Garden. When I arrived there something was off but I went inside anyway. "Hello?!?" I yelled when I opened the door it was dead silent. Then there was a loud bang in the kitchen (where I found the "thing.") "I thought we killed everything, so there shouldn't be anything still moving. Including Samuel." I thought as I frowned. Then there was what sounded like a glass breaking. I pulled out a Katana and yelled "F.B.I OPEN UP, WHOS IN HERE!?!" Turns out the blade I pulled out was the yellow "fear" one and it started glowing. Then the culprit started running but I didn't want to chase after it because I was here to find Samuel, not some mutated rat. I couldn't find him but I also forgot to bring Jacob his breadsticks I promised him yesterday. As I started walking back, I thought I would check out the rubble from the gas station to see if there was anything left. When I reached my destination, there was nothing there but just rubble as I suspected but there was only one thing that stuck out. There was an arrow in the ground. As I pulled it out of the ground, the arrow didn't seem like the normal arrow because the tip was yellow and it was shaped as a heart. "I've never seen an arrow like this before." I said as I flicked the blade. Then there was a surge of energy going through my body and right after I passed out. When I woke I was back at the base somehow. "Ah, you're finally awake. We already had Jacob digging a grave for you." Darkrobe said. "You did? You shouldn't have." I said in a raspy voice still laying in bed. Darkrobe then started laughing, "We sent Poppy to go look for you and she found you on the ground with an arrow wedged in the tip of your finger, what happened? Get attacked by a zombie or something?" She asked. "Well no, I went to see if there was anything left from the explosion at the old gas station, and I found nothing but the arrow. So I had the great idea to flick the blade, right? Then there was an energy surge that went through my body and passed out, now I'm here." "Well at least you're not dead because we already lost one." Darkroe said. Then there was a scream. "WHAT HAPPENED?!?" I yelled. "JACOB GOT SHOT!!" Poppy yelled from down stairs. "Well won't you look at that. Another one." I said as both me and Darkrobe ran down the stairs.

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