Chapter 18

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     A few days later Samuel came up to me and asked, "Can you help me with proposing to Darkrobe because last time we barely had enough time to pick out rings for each other" "Fine" I responded after thinking for a minute. "Ok good! Meet us at the Olive Garden at five around the seven-eleven where Poppy got the drinks" Samuel told me. "Ok, well I'm going to sleep. Goodnight" right as I said that I fell asleep.. on the floor. When I finally woke up I was in my part of the sleeping quarter with Mr. Fluffles and his family right next to my bed. "Man, I still can't believe that Mr. Fluffles found a mate before me!" I thought. "Well might as well get up before Samuel starts yelling at me to get up" and so I put on a suit I stole from the mall that probably wouldn't have been helpful till now. As I was walking down the stairs Poppy appeared out of nowhere scaring the living hell out of me and asked the question that seemed repetitive "you going to a wedding? Can I come!?" "No this is personal, well not completely but still you can't come," I told her. "Well ok fine just tell me what happens after" she responded "hold on I'll be back, my stomach hurts a lot" "alright, well I'm gonna get Samuel and Darkrobe so we can go. SAMUEL *inhale* DARKROBE WERE HEADING OUT LET'S GO!!!" I yelled even though were inside and probably could hear me without me yelling. "Ok hold on, actually can we have a meeting in the kitchen?" Samuel said as he came down the stairs wearing what I'm guessing he stole from the mall too. "Alright, Everybody meeting in the kitchen!" I yelled. "Ok is everyone here?" I asked. "Yeah" the group said. "Ok I'll lend the attention to Darkrobe." I said as if I were a noble person. "Actually that's what the meeting was about, my real name." Darkrobe said all of a sudden. "My real name is-" then there was a gunshot outside and a drunk type laugh. "HahAHa I'm UNSTOPPABLE caUsE I gOt a GuN! LeNd mE AlL YoUr MoNeY! oR-..." then there was a thump on the ground. "Should we go check on him or do we already have enough people in our squad?" Poppy asked. "Either way we'll see him on our way to Olive Garden so let's take him with us when we go so he won't actually try to kill us." I told Poppy and the rest of the group HOLD UP! Your going to Olive Garden without me?!" Jacob yelled "at least bring me some bread sticks!" "Okay fine I'll bring you bread sticks" I told Jacob. "Well we should go before the guy gets back up again. Besides we gotta get there so we have the main event" Samuel said while winking at Darkrobe. "Okay then, lets go!" and off we went. We were walking for a while but the worst thing was that I had to carry the person that was on the floor, but hey at least I got some exercise. When we finally got there samuel took a black box out of his pocket while the both of them went ahead of me inside. When I finally caught up to them they were sharing a bottle of wine bottle from the cabinet that was pretty much collapsed by now. And what I meant by sharing the wine is leaterly sharing sips from straight out of the bottle. "Um Im just going to get some bread sticks so do whatever you want, I guess." I told them. "Thanks!" Darkrobe said as if she was trying to be someone else right then. As I was walking to the kitchen there was a thump then what sounded like a blade going straight through a piece of meat then hitting the chopping board. "Wait? Is someone here?" I thought to myself. So I pulled out a random kitchen knife that was sticking out of my pocket. "Whos there! I got a knife and Im not afraid to use it!" I yelled. Then some type of creature said in the most horrifying voice "I WILL EAT YOUR SOUL" It yelled as if it was formed from the people that came here during the day the apocalypse happened. "Samuel! Can I borrow three of you katanas please?!" I yelled "Ok just come here and grave them!" Samuel yelled back and so I ran to get them while the monster was still chasing after me. When I got to the table Samuel had three katanas on it. One had a blue blade with markings that read "Sadness" the second one was a red blade that read "Rage" and the third one was a black blade and it read "Death" "How did you make these blades ao fast Samuel?" I asked him. "Nevermind that we got company!" Samuel responded. "Which one do I use?" I asked. "You asked for three so use all of them!" Samuel said again. "Ok fine, but where does the third one go?" I asked again. "I'll use the third one! Just give me it!" Samuel said as if he was getting frustrated with me. "Okay! Here!" I tossed the one that said "Death" as I held the other two. While me and Samuel were battling the monster Darkrobe was fighting the mutated rats that were coming our way. A few moments later the glob sent the butchers knife that he was holding straight towards Darkrobes head...but Samuel jumped Infront of it...he actually jumped right in front of a spinning blade that was probably flying thousands of miles an hour to protect his only loved one he had left. "Samuel!" Me and Darkrobe both yelled. Then the blades that read "Rage" and "death" started to flame up. I dropped the blue blade and picked up the black one and yelled while running towards the glob "BURN IN HELL YOU DEATH MONKEY" and I sliced as hard as I could to rip the glob to shreds. And when I put the katanas back into their casing the glob exploded into tiny pieces. "Okay now that's what you call helpful." I said while picking up the blue blade and putting that one into its casing too. As I turned around I saw Darkrobe towered over Samuel like a big cherry blossom tree...and tears dropping like its pedals in fall. As I walked over to Samuel Darkrobe looked up to me. When I ducked down to say my goodbyes Samuel turned his head to me and said "Take Darkrobe somewhere nice for me, okay" He said as one of his last words. " sorry-..." He said. then silence...



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