Chapter Three

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Chapter Three: Shrek, Rabid dogs and a Bad boy.

Bright lights by Sløtface

CAMERON was uncomfortablly close a smirk upon his face, honestly i was itching to punch the guy, my left hook would wipe that no good smirk off clean.
"So Foxy what's the million dollar question?" I bit my lip coming back to reality,
"Uhhh_" he cut me off,
"Look at that I've left you speechless."
I fell weak I'll admit that but speechless?
"The question is why the fuck are you in my room, infact why are you in my house?" He sat cross legged and i backed up against the wall pulling the sheet to cover my area and chest,
"Well Foxy if you must know your sister invited me, she said to make myself feel at home so i did exactly that your room is all sorts of creepy so i figured I'd crash here." I nod,
"Okay and how much did you see?"  He furrowed his eyebrows,
"When i walked in what did you see?" He bit his lip,
"Everything, but don't worry I've seen better." That actually hit me a bit, only a bit.
"Okay well i have to get dressed_" he placed a finger over my lips,
"Not so fast, i want answers to my questions too." I let out a huff,
"Fine." He stood and picked up my towel handing it to me, i took the soft material and he turned around as i wrapped it around my form,
"You can do your routine and stuff while i ask." I nod actually too lazy to fight with him,
"Okay so firstly, who are you?" I pick up my brush and run it through my hair,
"I'm Arianna, Annie's Twin sister." He nodded taking a seat on my bed,
"Why are you in this dope ass room?" I couldn't help but smirk,
"I'm a dope ass person that's why." He nodded,
"Well are you going to the Bash?" I nod,
"Yeah, i guess." He smirked getting up,
"I'll go find Annie and we'll go together." He left my room, i let out a breath.

Mental note: always look around first.

I took out a tight black croptop and black shorts and of course fishnets because why not?

As for shoes a took out my knee high grunge boots, i changed immediately and put on my usual layer of make up with bright ruby lipstick.

I left my room leaving blue behind and heading downstairs, i was about to call put for Annie when i saw them, Duncun i mean Cameron and Annie were in the kitchen, Annie in one of her usual party dresses and heels, she was sitting on the kitchen counter with Duncan between her legs, they were making out.

I know that i called Anabella a prostitute but honestly she only brings serious relationships into the house any house be it a two bedroom apartment or the mansion back home.

"So what do you say Annie?" Dun-Cameron smirked as he said it and she nodded,
"Yeah if you promise you'll change for me." He kissed her on her temple once more then nodded,
"Okay princess." I couldn't help but smile, Annie looked happy, and that matters alot to me, a happy Annie means a happy me after all she is my sister.

And if Dun__ okay fine I'm calling him Duncun and that's final thier too simular which makes Annie Courtney.

Oh god and i like Duncan's face too much, but that's physical not emotional and with the way he just saw my body on display like the sculpture it is, he isn't my type but he is Annie's.

Annie loves badboys because she wants to change them.

"Aria?" I nearly fell when i heard Annie's voice,
"Have you met Cameron yet?" I shrug,
"No." He wiggled his eyebrows,
"Okay well this is Cameron Romero Wayne, my boyfriend." Her  cheeks went red at the word and i went up to her and like we'd always done after great feets in our lives i hugged her and pull away,
"Well done sis."

She kissed my cheek and i nearly exploded,
Excuse me who did she just kiss with her Cameron/Duncun lips?
Oh hell to the no.
"Cam this is Arianna my sister."

I faked my smile this time crossing between a rabid dog and shrek,  Duncun could see my faking so he bit his lip holding in a laugh,
"So what's with your style?" Annie is back.
I kissed my teeth,
"Uhh the usual." She rolled her eyes,
"Okay fine let's go, could've at least put on some colour."

Earth to Annie, my hair is colourful!

We got into Duncun's sleek audi spyder in dark blue and drove to the party.

The place was packed and music burst everywhere,drunken students were already vomiting and Zack was already making out with a random guy well not any random guy, Tyler!

Oh i can't wait to tell 'em tomorrow.

Can Annie really change a badboy?
What's going on with Tyler and Zack?
Why am I so curious about her this?
Why am I even still typing?



and of course stay lazy.

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