Chapter Thirty-four

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Chapter Thirty-four: Telling the truth about not being dumb.

Zack's POV.

I watched the video again, almost  wanting to punch the screen because of the stupid looks on both our faces, it's not that we looked dumb, it's that we looked happy with our misdeeds.

It was a drunken mistake that lead to me loosing someone I love and compromising my relationship with Arianna.

I pressed home and our picture flashed up my wallpaper.

Aria with red and black hair a black shirt and black skirt and a beanie, she was smiling at the camera like a cartoon character, my arm was around her shoulder my eyes watching her and her idiocy.

That day was fun, she had surprised me with fake IDs so we could go to a male strip club, she had fun and ended up stripping on a pole, impressing the strippers more than they impressed her.

She has an odd way of doing the weirdest things, be it singing in the rain which she has done before on multiple occasions, managing to twist her ankle to get out of a family event or even jumping over a fence to break me out of a grounding.

Sometimes I try to piece together her logic, it's like she barely thinks before doing something.

Her excuse for all of this is that one day when she's sitting on the porch of her beach house rocking on a rocking chair she would've done everything she wished to have done and have no regrets when she dies.

The fact that she thought that far ahead still scares me,  exactly how far ahead has she planned?

To be honest most people might assume that Arianna is one hell of a bitch and that she barely thinks of others but she just puts that front up so that weak people don't try to enter the fortress of Arianna Sedio, once you move past the bitchy bullcrap she's a sweetheart with a sweet tooth and a love for everything.

I switched off my phone putting it back into my pocket and tapping my foot impatiently whilst watching the door for a familiar  blonde haired girl to walk in.

She finally  made an appearance though her hair had blue tips.

She sat across from me looking tired, dark circles under her eyes even with the concealer.

Her face was caked to the brim today, with maroon lipstick, concealer, winged eyeliner and maroon eye makeup.

"Hey." She said running a hand through her hair.
"Hi." I said back,
"What did you wanna talk about?" She asked her eyes sprinkled with curiosity and fear, exactly what could she possibly be afraid of?

She shifted slightly in her spot, her eyes locked on the table as though there were an interesting pattern carved into the shiny wood.

She clearly wasn't okay,I could understand maybe it had something to do with her crying a few days ago.

"Are you okay Ari?" I asked and she looked up at me,
"Yeah I'm fine." She said adding a fake ass smile to the statement, trying to make it as real as possible, I wanted to press further but held it in knowing that eventually she'd call and tell me.
"Okay, so I called you here to tell you about this." I took out my phone and showed her the video, she watched it her expression never changing before she handed my phone back to me and placed her hands on either side of her head,
"It's worse than I thought it was." She sighed then looked up at me,
"Have you tried talking to Ty yet?" She asked and I shook my head,
"No, we just broke up." I said swallowing a lump in my throat,
"So it was Michael that recorded it right?" She asked a sinister emotion dancing in her eyes, like she were devising a plan to kill him,
"Yeah...but__" she cut me off,
"Okay I'll see you later." She started getting up but I gripped her arm not liking the calm look that rippled across her features.

"Aria, don't do anything dumb." I said and she nodded, unconsciously yawning like she hadn't slept in two days,
"I won't, I'm just going to sort this whole thing out."

With those last words she left and after I ordered two burgers and two bubble gum milkshakes to go I went back to my dorm.

Alejandro was sitting at his desk writing something down before he threw a glance my way,
"How did you meeting with Aria  go? Did you tell her?" He asked not looking at me while he made some measurements,
"It went well, she's coming over later but I didn't tell her." I sighed and sat on my bed putting the food on my desk,
"What do you mean by didn't tell her?" Alejandro asked getting up and sitting next to me,
"Was it not you who told me how you felt?" He asked and I ran a hand through my hair,
"Yes but she's still my best friend,  if I make a move and she isn't into me it could go south for our friendship." I said and he shook his head,
"You two are already basically dating." He said and I arched an eyebrow,
"You stay really close, occasionally kiss, hug alot, have deep conversations, sleep together both sexually and normally and now your saying that your not sure, I want you to be as clear as possible about how you feel right now." He said a bit annoyed, after all he's been my vent box for the past three weeks anyone would be annoyed if someone constantly fought against their feelings.

"I don't really know anything about love, all I know is that this started in the weirdest way and I didn't see it coming." He smiled at me,
"Is that really how you feel?"
I bit my lip running a hand through my hair,
"It's just that it's in my head and I can feel it in my blood it feels so good but at the same time whenever I try to hide it it hurts way too much." He leaned forward  and gave me a hug,
"Well you know what  you have to do now don't  you?" I nodded, I should've done this in grade nine.
Maybe even the day we met.

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