Touch of Evil

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** Pov Yasmine**

My head was spinning at the found body of Jason Blossom. I didn't want to go to school, or go anywhere actually. Knowing Jason didn't drown and knowing that he was shot gave me nightmares taking away my sleep. I just felt like a shell at the moment. My hand would rest over my sketch book but the pencil will never actually touch the paper. The door banged open to my home and the tall dark body of my brother walked in looking flustered. "What are you still doing here? You should be at school Yas." the older man grunted walking past me at the small table to get a cup of coffee.

"Julio, I don't want to go," I looked over at my brother, my voice soft and I know he heard how pained I was because he stiffened up. Julio sighed and turned to me running a hand through his long hair and the other scratching at his stubbly chin. "You can't stay here during the day you know that. Besides it would ruin your precious reputation princess," Julio responded softer and he tried to lighten the mood but I know how frustrated he was with me when it came to my little act. I just shook my head and packed up my things, shoving them into my bag. "Just forget it. I'm going to school." My muttering voice made my brother groan in frustration as he turned and went down the short hallway to the living room area where he would fall asleep on the couch before I even get out the door like most mornings.

The walk to school was longer, or at least it felt that way, than usual. I actually dressed more like the me I was before I lost Jason, in memory of him. The black top and blue skirt with simple black heals that was currently on my body was Jason's favorite look on me, he once even said I looked like a queen. I shook my head as I entered Riverdale High to shake the thoughts of my deceased ex boyfriend from my mind. Entering the school you could hardly tell that a class mate's body was found as people continued on with their daily lives like it was nothing. I simply made my way to my locker where I got the front row seat to see Reggie be a jerk to poor Jughead. I sighed and shook my head as Reggie shoved into the wallflower and made some kind of joke about him being 'Wednesday Addams'. I was putting things in my locker, ignoring everything around me when a body blocked part of the lighting. With a small turn of my head I could see Reggie, Moose, and another Bulldog standing there. Reggie cleared his throat before taking a small step closer, "How are you holding up Yasmine?" Reggie's voice was soft and sincere, he was asking because he really cared and part of me was relieved by it. I turned my head to the three teammates and showed them my signature smile, "I'm hanging in there."

That was all I said before closing my locker and walking away to my first class. I really didn't want to talk about Jason and I know Reggie would bring it up. I just wanted to get through this living nightmare as fast as I can. Heading to my class I was planning to sit near Jughead. My hand shook as Mr. Weatherbee started talking over the PA and therefore Sheriff Keller mentioning the death of Jason being treated as a homicide and Cheryl's harsh comment. I ran to the nearest bathroom to hide my shaken state. I took a few calming breaths but all I wanted right now was to be back home, or maybe the Twilight Drive.


Biology was awkward as hell. Everyone wanted to work with someone and before long the only person was left was Reggie so I reluctantly walked over to him. My nose scrunched up at the sight of the frog we would be dissecting for today's class. Reggie gave me a small smile and moved his stuff to the side for me to sit. "Don't worry I'll do the dirty work you do the paper work. You don't even have to watch." Reggie quickly said trying to make me feel comfortable which I yet again give him credit for. "Thanks Reg. You know despite being a jerk you have your nice moments too." I comment softly but no one would be able to heat anyway over the amount of other side conversations going on around us. Reggie and I began our lab and as he said I didn't have to watch he would talk and explain things for me to write which was helpful. "You know you can still sit with us Yas, the guys and I are worried about you. Since what happened you seemed to shut everyone down and you seem almost as dark as Wednesday Addams over there." Reggie said after a while which made me stiffen.

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