Polly's Missing.

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I was running a bit late but when I arrived at the lounge I seen the group already sitting there. They instantly stopped talking when I approached them. "What are you all talking about?" I asked as I sat on the arm of the couch next to Jughead. They all exchanged a look before Jughead looked up at me. "Polly got out of the home she has been staying in. The Coopers are trying to keep it hush hush." Jughead carefully explained. They were still hiding something but I wasn't going to push it. Betty seemed very worried about her sister and she voiced her thought of whoever went after Jason now being after Polly. Jughead placed a comforting hand on Betty's shoulder, which did not go unnoticed by any of us especially a visible shocked Veronica and myself. 

"Betty, even though your parents don't want to, maybe you should go to the police." Archie suggests and Kevin quickly jumped in supporting him, "Second it. We can talk to my dad together about how he has to be discreet." Jughead pulled away from Betty and I could see the look on his face that was not convinced by what Kevin said. "No offense, Kev, but your dad answers to a higher authority than God: the Blossoms. They're the first person he would tell." Jug points out looking over at the sheriff's son. "And if there's anyone to keep this secret from, it's the Blossoms. They's twist it around and go after Polly out of spite." I leaned forward, "Guys we really should not be talking about this here, too many ears." I tried to warn them but they ignored me and Veronica continued their conversation. "How can we help? Tell us, B, and we'll do it." Betty sighed and I shook my head. 

The group got up and walked different ways. I really did not want to be in the middle of the B & V girl gossip so I walked after Jughead and Archie. I caught up with them as Archie was telling Jug to talk with his dad. "I'll go with if you want. Julio is probably with your dad anyway." I spoke up announcing my presence making both of the males look at me like I shouldn't have been there. They just shook their heads and Jughead lightly pushed me towards my class. I laughed softly and swat his hand away.


After school Jughead and I walked towards the trailer park. "Are you sure you don't want me to come in with you?" I asked as I leaned against a motorcycle parked outside of the Jones' trailer. Jughead nods as he heads up to the door. "I got this don't worry." I watched as Jughead entered the trailer and part of me wished I could go in with him. It was only a few moments before Jughead came back out. We stopped by my place before going to meet up with Betty and our makeshift search party to find Polly.

Our search was through Eversgreen Forest, Jughead and Betty lead the group. Our group divided and I ended up with my normal group for friends. We were walking along the creek when we seen the Blossoms and their own search party. Our two parties came face to face and Penelope Blossom was the first to speak, "Alice Cooper, where is she? Where's Polly?" "You think if I knew that, I'd be out here with the mosquitoes?" Alice replied back with a slight snark in her tone. I couldn't help but roll my eyes as Cheryl spoke up," Face fact's, Mommy Dearest, Polly killed Jason." Clifford was the next to talk, "She escaped from the asylum once, who's to say she didn't before,say, the day Jason got murdered." Penelope stepped forward towards Alice, "The noose is tightening around your murdering daughter's neck."

I turn and hid my face in the arm next to me, who I thought was Jughead or Kevin. "This is rediculous Polly would never kill Jason." I mumbled into the male jacket and I felt an arm wrap around my shoulders. "I know Yas," Reggie replied softly and my head snapped up to see it was Reggie I was leaning into. Kevin was next to Veronica and Jughead was at Betty's side with Archie. My attention was snapped back to the two fueding sides by sheriff Keller, "Hold on now." What was Penelope not saying to Alice. I moved forward keeping a hold on Reggie's arm making him come with me. 

I stood with Reggie while we all returned to this church where we were waiting for something to happen next. Cameras came closer as I realized that The Coopers came out of the church. I moved forward to hear and Reggie stayed with me, he had said that it must be so weird for me to be out here looking for the girl that my boyfriend dated before me, which it was but I knew Polly from the Vixens and I was now friends with Betty. My attention focused in on what Alice began to say. 

"There's been a swirl of rumors today about our daughter, Polly. And we're standing here to tell you that they're all false. Yes, Polly was seeking treatment in a private care facility, and she was under strict observation," Betty's eyes glanced at me and I got this feeling that what was about to be said won't be something she wanted me to hear, " even at the time of Jason Blossom's death." Jughead and Archie slowly moved over to where Reggie and I were being careful not to draw attention, did they know about the news Mrs. Cooper was about to announce? "When she found out about the murder, she was beside herself with grief. You see, my daughter, Polly, is pregnant with Jason Blossom's baby." My heart stopped. Just like when the bombshell of finding out that Jason and Polly were engaged. My legs felt weak and I looked over at Jughead and then to Archie, both of them looked apologetic. They knew... this had to have been what they were talking about that morning when they went silent. Reggie's hold on me tightened as my legs started to give out. "Yas?" Reggie whispered in my ear. Alice continued to talk but all I could think about is how bad my relationship with Jason now looked. 

Polly and Jason broke up. Then in no time at all Jason is dating me. Polly was engaged to Jason. Polly was pregnant with Jason's baby. Did that just make me look like a homewrecker? Did Jason even know about the baby? My heart was breaking and tears fell from my eyes. Would I ever know the truth?

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