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Thanks to Alpha Valentine's 7 AM alarm, I was awake. Actually, that is false. He got up while I stayed in bed and tried to sleep longer. I was no longer on the edge of the bed when he slid out, instead, I was only a few inches away from where he previously was.

I had tried to fall back asleep as soon as he left the room, but instead, he came back a few minutes later with a cup of coffee in hand.

"Alice, it is time to get up," his morning voice was slightly husky.

"I'm still tired," I grumbled back, he only let out a sigh before he entered the walk-in closet to get changed. I curled myself up into the sheets once again to gain more sleep. The sound of a coffee cup on my bedside table startled me. How did he get dressed so fast? I was about to open my eyes, but Trent roughly grabbed the blankets and ripped them off. I shivered as the cold air attacked my skin, leaving goosebumps.

"Please, get up," I heard him grumble before he grabbed his mug again.

I once again ignored his request and tried to burrow myself into the sheets like a mother polar bear at the beginning of winter. I guess Trent had lost his patience because I heard him slam his mug on the dresser before I was roughly picked up out of bed. I wrapped myself around Trent in my half-awake state, he stiffened but never said anything.

I opened my eyes to be met with his piercing green ones they darkened slightly into a deep forest green before returning to their regular shade of green. We kept our eye contact for a while, just basking in each other's awkward presence. One of his large hands rested against my back while his other rested against my left thigh. He was dressed in a pair of clean boxers, leaving everything out for me to view.

I guess he had enough after a few moments because he was the first to break eye contact to put me down. My butt barely hit the cold bench before he walked away from me and back into the walk-in closet.

He came back out moments later with a black suit that fit him like a second skin. He looked attractive and regal. He straightened out his suit jacket before he left the room without so much as a look in my direction.

I waited stunned for a moment before I followed him out of the room and downstairs. I flopped myself on the couch as he poured the remainder of his coffee in a travel mug.

With slow steps, he approached me. He sat on the end of the couch closest to the door, "since this is your first day here, I won't be such a prick about things, but now that you are my mate I expect dinner to be ready when I get home, and whatever needs to be cleaned is cleaned," his facial expression seemed hardened.

"Oh, um, okay," I forced out, did I look like his fucking maid?

As if he read my mind he clarified, "I'm a very traditional man, Alice," I nodded at his words, I had always looked forward to staying home and taking care of the house while my husband was away, but being demanded it happen made a sour taste in my mouth.

"What time will you be back?" I crossed my arms over my chest and shifted to look at him.

"Around six," he spoke, I simply nodded before he stood and left the cabin.

I spent most of the day watching TV and trying to find things to do. I made our bed at some point, but it ended up getting messed up when I crawled in to take a short nap.

When six o'clock rolled around, I had just set the plates of fajitas on the breakfast bar that I had made for Trent and me as he walked into the kitchen. He had removed his suit jacket and tie his long hair was a bit frizzed probably from the weather.

"It smells good in here," he complimented before he took a seat at the breakfast bar.

I blushed, "thank you," I waited for him to be seated before I sat beside him. Dinner was quiet as soon as he was done I took the plates and washed them as he went upstairs.

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