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I opened the door and there they were. Two boys who looked to be about Carl's age stood at my front door, they both wore black and reeked of rot. The one on the left was tall with pale skin and a baby face. He had curly blonde hair that hung over his face slightly. The other one had ebony skin, he seemed friendlier than the other one. He was about my height with a slim body.

"Alice," they greeted, I felt the breath being sucked from my lungs.

I felt my voice catch in my lungs, "hello."

"Get your coat on we have to go," the one on the left said.

I felt myself go into fight or flight mode. "No," my voice was harsh. The boys didn't look too surprised at my reaction they just glanced at each other. I opened my mouth to scream for Trent, but I didn't have to because I heard his heavy footsteps already coming down the stairs; by the sounds of it he knew what was going on and was pissed. I felt his presence behind me and instantly felt better.

The two boys gave us a once over before they turned on their heels and ran off our porch towards the trees. I didn't close the front door until I could no longer see them. Once the door was closed I knew I was going to be in trouble. I had placed us in danger once more.

I didn't even turn around before I heard him speak, "what the fuck were you thinking, Alice?" His voice was rough. I pressed my forehead against the door in hopes it would eat me and I wouldn't have to face my husband. "Are you going to answer me?" he snapped, I jumped slightly.

"I don't know," I mumbled.

"You do realize that they could have hurt you?"

"I'm well aware," my voice was meek, I was embarrassed at my actions but also terrified. Trent would never lay a hand on me in anger but it was still terrifying having someone yell at you.

"Do you not care?" he asked.

I do.

"Trent," I started.

"No, don't you Trent me. You know full well what is going on around here yet you still put yourself in danger!"

I let out a sigh before I pushed myself off the door, I turned on my heel to face him. His eyes were large with his nostrils flared. His hair was facing multiple directions and his arms were crossed over his bare chest.

"I need to go to bed," I told him before I attempted to walk around him to go back upstairs.

He grabbed my arm, his grasp was gentle but firm. "We aren't done talking," his voice was softer now.

"I really just want to go back to bed," I spoke without looking at him. He let out a sigh before letting go of my arm, he followed me up the stairs and into our room. He locked our bedroom door before he followed me into bed. I kept my back facing him as he crawled into bed.

"We are not playing this game," he told me before he carefully flipped me so I was facing him. I kept my eyes closed as he pulled me to his chest. It wasn't long before I felt the tears gather in the corner of my eyes. He held me as I cried into his bare chest, occasionally he would press a kiss to the top of my head and whisper things to help calm me down.

The next morning Trent got straight to work building up border security, house security, and allies. It was difficult knowing he was throwing himself completely into his work all because his stupid wife was causing issues.

I had made the selfless decision that next time one of Helios minions came to get me I would follow them. I had no idea why they wanted me although the rogue did say they wanted to rescue me from Trent I had no idea what they would do once they had me.

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