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The navy dress flowed around me, I felt like a princess just wearing it. The lace neckline went up almost to my neck, but it looked stunning.

My brown hair was curled into beautiful soft waves, my eyes were painted with a small wing eyeliner, lashes coated with mascara.

I wore a clear gloss in hopes that my natural lip colour would shine through and make me look more pouted.

Trent wore his regular suit which hugged his muscular figure perfectly. His jet black hair was brushed out and cascaded down his back. He was expressionless like most times. His eyes although they were a soft green, were hard and looked almost lifeless.

I gave myself one more once over before I left our en-suite bathroom. Trent held his hand out for me, I grabbed it and he led me out of the bedroom, down the stairs.

I shoved on a pair of black flats while Trent let go of my hand to put on his regular dress shoes. He grabbed my hand once more before leading me out the front door to the car.

The sun glimmered against the snow as we drove in silence into town. Trent lived on the outskirts of the territory in order to keep his privacy. It took us only a few minuets to reach the town. Everything was clean and tidy even though snow covered most parts of the town. Only a few people were out and about but they were all heading in one direction: the theater.

Trent told me that the theater was where most pack meetings were held. It had a stage and seats for everyone.

Trent helped me out of the car once we had found a parking lot. Although he was a very traditional male he was a complete gentleman.

He held my hand and guided me inside the theater, in the lobby we were greeted by a few pack members who bowed their heads.

Trent ignored their submission and continued to guide me into the theater where most of the pack members were seated, they stood as soon as Trent and I entered. I suddenly felt very small and anxious, like I just wanted to be swallowed up by the floor. Trent squeezed my hand as a gentle reminder that everything was going to be okay.

I took a deep breath as we walked down one of the isles to the stage. We waited in silence for the rest of the pack members to arrive before Trent started.

On stage we weren't alone, Trent's parents and a few elders were standing on the sidelines watching our every move. Trent squeezed my hand again, I looked up at him to see him looking back at me with a ghost of a smile.

"Ready?" he asked, I didn't trust myself to speak, so I just nodded. I turned my head back to the people in time to see Michelle, Trent's mother approaching us. She was wearing a beautiful black dress that hugged her curves well. Her black hair was pinned up in a beautiful bun on top of her head and she was smiling from ear to ear at me, I couldn't help but return it.

"Alice," she greeted me with open arms.

"Hello Michelle," I wrapped my arms around her.

"Are you ready for today?" she asked, I nodded. "Did Trent explain to you how this ceremony works?" I shook my head. She shot her son a glare before turning back to me with a smile. "Have you ever been to this kind of ceremony to know what happens?" I thought about it for a second, I really hadn't Alpha Karlson's son had not yet attended a mating ceremony, nor did he receive the Alpha title yet.

"No," I finally responded, Michelle, shot her son another glare.

"Did you seriously not go over anything?" she snapped at her son.

Trent didn't even flinch, "I didn't have the time," he shrugged.

"Did you remember the rings?" she continued. Trent nodded. "Since we have a few minutes, I'll tell you what's going to happen," Michelle smiled down at me. "When everyone is here you and Trent will greet the pack together, then Trent will introduce you to the pack before you do the official initiation." She turned to Trent, "your grandfather brought the blade you liked."

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