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Like the morning before, Sebastian was in our house this time for our coffee. It was quite surprising when Trent and I slid downstairs to find Sebastian at our breakfast bar sipping on the liquid gold. He was wearing a grey suit with a baby blue tie, his blonde hair that usually rested on his shoulders was tied up in a low ponytail.

"How did you get in here?" Trent asked as he poured his coffee in his usual travel mug.

Sebastian's eyes flickered to me, "it's a secret," he smirked. Trent rolled his eyes at his childish beta.

"Did you seriously come here for coffee again?" I asked Sebastian nodded.

"I was out and you always seem to have coffee on," Sebastian looked back down at his cup. Trent leaned onto the counter, he looked drop-dead gorgeous, his posture was relaxed with one leg crossed over the other. His green eyes scanned over the kitchen; I had kept the house clean and tidy like he always asked so I knew he wasn't looking for my faults.

"Ready to go beta?" Trent pushed himself off the counter and straightened up his suit.

"Yup," Sebastian stood from his seat to put his coffee mug in the sink. Once he did that, he made his way out of the kitchen to the front door. Trent stayed in the kitchen with me.

He placed his travel mug on the breakfast bar before making his way to me. He placed his large hands on the sides of my face before leaning down and giving me a very passionate kiss. I leaned into the kiss, his lips were warm and soft. They were like crack, once I had a taste I wanted more.

I let him have control knowing that I wouldn't stand a chance of taking control of the kiss, I probably would have messed it up.

Our kiss was interrupted by the faint scent of rogue wafting through the kitchen, Trent let out a low growl before pulling away.

"Hey guys, someone left you some roses," Sebastian called from the open front door. I froze. "There's also a note," he continued. Trent released my face before stomping to the front door. I watched as Trent ripped the roses and note from his betas hand before taking a moment to read the note.

"Alice," he growled he turned to look at me with his dark forest green eyes. "Get dressed you are coming with me today." I sighed but obeyed. That meant I would have to wear a nice dress instead of my usual jeans or sweatpants. I didn't mind a dress, but it was still winter and I would have to be outside at some point.

I ignored my urge to get coffee and made my way past the men up the stairs. I dressed in a nice black dress I packed from my old home. My heart cramped at the thought of my old home. I ignored the urge to cry as I sipped it on. I brushed out my brown hair before I made my way back downstairs. I grabbed a couple of my books before following Trent and Sebastian out the door.

Sebastian rode to the office in his own car, while Trent and I took his SUV. The drive was silent except for the occasional clang of Trent's travel mug when he lifted it to take a sip of his coffee. Driving to the office didn't take too long, it was on the edge of the city in a tall glass building. It reminded me of the grey office from 50 Shades of Grey, but the building didn't contain a stalker BDSM obsessed human. It was the workplace of a crazy Alpha, that day it also became my reading nook.

Trent helped me out of the SUV and carried my books for me. Inside the building, it was warm, warmer than the inside of our home. Trent held me by the hand and walked me past everyone to the elevator. Sebastian caught up with us and even rode the elevator with us.

Trent's office was on the top floor. His office was black and grey which was not surprising. The floor was covered in a dark grey carpet, the walls and desk were black, the windows had grey curtains that were opened, letting in natural light. In front of the window was his mahogany desk covered in papers.

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